Discussion: 'Daily Show' Takes On Uber And The Sharing Economy (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #241476

Ahh The Sharing Economy: Rich people get to rent your stuff and treat you like a servant, your still not allowed to go into their neighborhood.


Understanding Uber is simple - it’s a way of running a taxi service without all that messy government regulation of taxi services. It’s like AirBnB, which is a way of running hotels without being pestered by the big, bad government, trying to ensure safe, clean lodgings, and oh, by the way, trying to raise some tax revenue.

Next up, DrugShare. “Me? Running a pharmacy? No, I’m just providing a convenient place where people who have prescription drugs can connect with other people who want them.”


Using “disruptive technologies” to create a “sharing economy” translates to disrupting well established industries so the investor class can share what used to be your insurance coverage, vacation pay and pensions.


The take on the “sharing economy” was interesting. But Trevor absolutely crushed it on the hypocrisy of Republicans on gun violence.

This should be the format of every ad against these candidates.

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Disney World will offer lower rates on less busy days, making those days busier. Which will make other days less busy, causing them to change their pricing because they are less busy, making the formerly less busy days more expensive - this could go on forever.

The only time I will ever get in a small plane is if it is piloted by a professional pilot. Amateur pilots pack it in over the mountains on a regular basis in Oregon.

Wow, that was so good! Thanks for sharing.