Discussion: ‘Daily Show’ Takes Aim At Clinton After Racial Skit: ‘Why Would You Do This?' (VIDEO)

I loved Jon and I like Trevor and think he’s quite funny. I’m hoping this is an instance where growing up on another continent hurts him. As far as I know, the writers are the same as Jon’s but they lack Jon’s perspective. That said, even Jon’s TDS had a habit of occasionally delving into the very false equivalency BS they often trashed others for engaging in. They also would, from time to time, pseem to hit a Democrat for something really inconsequential in an attempt to seem balanced. This seems like one of those times.

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Also agree. And even worse than that joke was the whole skit and how long it was.

Franken is so much better at drawing a map of the US than Steve Kornacki apparently…Jimmy Fallon made mention of the rudimentary skills of Kornacki’s drawing on his show.
If you missed it here it is:

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Yeah, it felt very follow the leader. “Oh, the news is saying this is racist, so let’s do a bit on why it’s dumb for Hillary to say something racist.”

It just seems like Stewart would not have quietly accepted the premise and drummed up his own forced outrage to match. Challenge the narrative, call attention to the ridiculous level of coverage over something someone standing next to HRC said in a comedy skit. There’s great potential for depth in this incident and the overblown reaction, and they chose to do the exact thing that everyone else is doing, saying the same thing everyone else is saying, but with a rim-shot?

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Thanks Trevor! LOL!

For those of you who still want to defend this nonsense, why don’t you show up late to an event with a room full of Black people and say “sorry, I was on CP time”

Let me know how that works out for you.

PSA - things that don’t make you Black and give you the authority to make “CP” jokes:

  1. being married to a Black person
  2. having a Black BFF
  3. attending an HBCU
  4. making great potato salad
  5. having a strong sexual preference for Black men, or women
  6. strong support in past elections from Black voters

Now you can make the joke…it’s a free country, but prepare yourself for the backlash.

I have many times in my life, although, I’ve never called it “CP time”. It’s just CPT, and no one has ever once even pretended like they might could be paid to look like they might someday give a fuck.

Really? Let me send you to a few places.

Please do. This is a term I’ve used 100s of times in my life, it’s used regularly by my family when we’re running late, and just about every other black person I know. I literally have never in my life said CPT and someone got mad. Not once, and I’ve been doing this black thing since birth.

Oh you’re black? No further explanation needed. Thanks! Of course it’s a joke used among Black people…among Black people…to other Black people

The best example I can come up with is that I can make fun of my cousin’s big head, but you can’t.

That’s why I have not watched the Daily Show since show 2 with this clown. He’s not funny, and his only shtick is race. It’s gets old. There was in fact not one offensive thing about that sketch. I’m tired of race baiting whiners. Let’s talk about real racial issues, not this crybaby BS. Noah probably sided with that twit who was yelling at the Yale professor (to the point of looking dangerous) about Halloween costumes. Grow up.

There is a reason for that. Jon Stewart would be saying two things:

  1. The skit was not that funny
  2. Anyone offended by it is a whiner

Noah chose to be a buffoon about it. Which is why they lost me as a viewer too.