Discussion: C'ville Victim's Mother: Those Trying To Shut Up Child 'Just Magnified Her'

I watched her as she said that. Man, she is fearless and right! Look what’s happening around the country.

Campbell Soup CEO says buh bye to Trump’s council.


Not entirely OT-There is a lot of this story left to unfold. Anti-nazi protestor suffers stroke from injuries sustained during torch rally:


What an exemplary family. We need more Americans like this to act and speak up.


Tuesday, Trump claimed that her mother contacted him with praise for his comments about the situation…Was he lying? Is anyone calling him on this?

In fact, the young woman who I hear is a fantastic young woman and it was on NBC, her mother wrote me and said through I guess Twitter, social media, the nicest things, and I very much appreciated that. I hear she was a fine, really actually an incredible young woman, but her mother on Twitter, thanked me for what I said. Honestly, if the press were not fake and if it was honest, the press would have said what I said was very nice. – excuse me – unlike you and unlike the media, before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.

[quote=“spacesaver, post:3, topic:60726”]
Not entirely OT-There is a lot of this story left to unfold. Anti-nazi protestor suffers stroke from injuries sustained during torch rally:[/quote]

Not entirely OT? Hell this is exactly on topic. Send this into the TPM tip line. There should be a headline at the top of the site, "UVA Librarian Maimed By Neonazis."


Trump told reporters Tuesday that he planned to reach out to Heyer’s family. The White House did not respond to questions Wednesday about whether Trump has contacted Heyer’s family.

Please don´t. The family has suffered enough without that.


The cowardly white nationalists who had pledged to show up and potentially disrupt services for Heather Heyer were nowhere to be seen


@johnrm I’m sure she praised Trump, probably in the letter from the NFL … or the call from the Scouts … or the call from Mexico. He gets so much praise it’s hard to keep track of.


NBC reported the mother’s statement via Twitter, which was a polite, concise acknowledgement of Trump’s Monday condolences.

“Thank you, President Trump, for those words of comfort and for denouncing those who promote violence and hatred. My condolences, also, to the grieving families of the two state troopers and quick recovery to those injured,” Heyer’s mom, Susan Bro, wrote in a statement, according to NBC.


WWHD? What would Heather do?

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Here’s her speech, if you missed it {:teary eyes:}.


This took such courage.


Courage, compassion, grace and determination. Well done, and deepest condolences for the loss of a wonderful daughter.


Such an inspiring speech…you can see why Heather was such a wonderful person.

An inspiring family all around. THIS is what true American Family Values look like!


Heather Heyer’s mother, Susan Bro, in her grief and mourning, was wonderfully inspiring. One can only respect and admire and exhibit sympathy for her and our country. She shows strength of character and faith.

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Channeling Michelle Obama:
When They Go Lower - We Go Heyer