And it just goes to show the tremendous deal maker Trump is. Russia keeps notes on all the conversations, makes all the decisions, and for all this work not only does the US not pay them anything but they pay Trump instead! Art of the Deal!
I dare you to make a comment without using these words.
Thought I read that Twitter will not be available while traveling? I know that when we FDAers traveled (usually to China) that we had to turn in our usual Blackberries and get issued special new ones. Maybe they finally got the Android out of T’s fingerettes…
You might check that:
isn’t the lophead from South Cacklelacky (h/t CPP) ‘Cray’ Gowdy gonna’ be in charge of defending the Quislings?
Who would’ve ever thought America would be led by a psychotic game show host who yuks it up with Russians and Russian state press—in the Oval Office—about firing the FBI director?
Too bad. Sunday is the day Comrade Cockholster is scheduled to reflexively give the Saudis his double-handed “thumbs up” with a big smile on his face, in Riyadh, which, in their culture, is interpreted as “Up yours, pal!” or “Stick it up your ass.”
Being as there’s no way in hell he could not do it, expect his number one go-to gesture to go over bigly with the “adoring” Wahhabis. With any luck, Melanoma will add to the mass adoration by showing up dressed as a high-end Paris whore without a hijab.
Good on you!!!
AND, on the heels of this latest revelation??
The m-f’ers can always open the hatch and jump
Was there an option for no scandal free day??
Stealing that.
I go out for the afternoon again to take images of desert flora and all hell breaks loose. Again. Perhaps I should give up photography.
Je suis travail de noix!
I’ll bet the saguaros and wild flowers went crazy this year. Yes? I always loved the ocotillos too.
Saguaros are about a month early, but they are flowering madly in Sabino Canyon.Oh. “The Independent, U.K.” is reporting that Kushner is the person of interest. According to Mrs. Von Holst. Don’t know how reliable their sources are.
Seems to be multiply sourced.
Gee, ya think?