“You mean the way we’ve all been throwing a tantrum that neither previous Secretary of State Powell or Rice has been investigated for using unauthorized email servers?” - you have been throwing a tantrum over a factually incorrect statement. That is too bad.
Love the way you are outraged over false information.
I love the way you make-up accusations
You are just too awesome. Thanks for being my friend. xoxoxoxo
And you’ve really brought the important points to the fore here. It’s not a matter of using personal hackable email accounts for classified correspondence, as Powell and Rice did. It’s only a matter of whether the server was personal.
Wow, you really tore the lid off this issue. That certainly explains why Clinton is the only former Secy of State being investigated.
Now let me know when you’re ready to discuss the Cartwright-Comey exchange.
So we can tell you aren’t in law enforcement. If she broke the law, he would say, she broke the law.
Except the FBI went through every single email. Every one. That’s their job. Plus they combed the server. They can’t erase the existence of emails when THEY WENT SOMEWHERE ELSE TO A RECIPIENT. They have those too.
“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
They did not find evidence of “intent”.
Let me know if I can be of further help with your “ignorance” of what was said.
That was delivered to them. Sec Clinton had deleted “personal” emails. Then sent them over on paper, not digital.
Did they ever receive the “original server”?
You can only get access to email of a recipient (or sender) if you know or find out who that individual is.
I hope I have helped alleviate that which you “have chosen”
That’s sort of the goal. To make the American people weary of those Democratic Presidents. Congress’s standing is already beneath that of a drunken, child molesting, used car salesman, so they have nothing to lose.