Discussion: Cruz Warns Trump 'Could Be Unstoppable' If He Wins Iowa, NH

And if the IRS tried to enforce any of that the entire right would be up in arms about how the IRS is targeting conservatives “again.” Hell, that was most likely part of the motive behind that fake scandal, to work the IRS the same as they have the media into being afraid to call their bullshit for fear of the blow back that will result.

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My parents attended one of the largest black churches in the country, and I had the occasion to go one Sunday before an election. It was mostly, “please get out and vote, don’t leave your hard fought rights to someone else”. But it couldn’t have been more clear. Are you going to vote for those who would take away your right to vote? Will you cast your vote for people who want to put more guns on the streets? That was the kind of messaging heard from the pulpit. It was crystal clear, but not an outright endorsement.

Well, Cruz is smart enough to point that out, and to use fear to sway the religious types. That is their main motivator, he should know. Republicans rarely while lose framing debates in the “Fear of The Other” equation.

After all of Trump’s third-party threats it would be funny if Cruz were to run as a “true conservative” independent following Trump securing the nomination.

Heck, he’d have more of an argument that the Republican Party treated him unfairly by no one supporting him.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Monday told a group of conservative pastors in Iowa that if Donald Trump wins the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary, he could become the Republican nominee.

We democrats can only hope!

Yes, that’s the law. It’s important to note that this is administrative regulation rather than statutory law. So, although the IRS rules prohibit those activities, the fact is that churches have ignored the intent of the two points you put in boldface frequently, and the letter of the first point occasionally. The IRS has in every case declined to investigate the matter, even when specifically asked to do so.

Because it’s administrative law, the IRS has wider discretion about enforcement. Right now it looks like the only things that might be enforced are the bans on advertising and expenditures.

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I’m sure an Imam at a mosque could encourage their congregation to engage is political activities and advocacy, running afoul of these regulations, and similarly be left alone by the IRS and other authorities.

Yeah, uh huh…

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Yep, Cruz, and you old buddy Falwell jr just endorsed Trump - isn’t that a shame ?