Discussion for article #244795
and eliminate cities that won’t cooperate with immigration investigators.
He’s going to carpetbomb San Francisco now?
now that there is an actual lawsuit questioning sCruz’s citizenship he might need those sanctuary cities… can we move to deport his ass if the courts find against him?
The stage graphic gives it away. What he’s peddling is the 4th grade version of patriotism. The man certainly knows his audience.
A con man has to know his marks, what motivates them, how they think. Cruz has a bottomless contempt for humanity in general, so he’s able to accurately estimate how dumb the base is. If he gets the nom (God forbid) he’ll instantly pivot to other personae depending on the audience—continued red meat for the GOP, the earthly incarnation of reason and moderation for rest of us. And he’ll blandly deny there’s any difference. A liar for the ages, that one.
New Hampshire is full of Free Staters who all speak the same dialect of Nut-Jobbery that Cruz does. He’ll win NH going away. These are not people who will participate in polling, I reckon, but they’ll be on Ted like a fat kid on cake.