Discussion: Cruz Hopes To Build Momentum After Strong Debate Performance<a name="summary"></a>

Discussion for article #242384

Good Lord Jeebus, where the hell does Ms. Pace get the evidence for this whopper?

Now, Cruz is trying to ride a standout performance in last week’s GOP debate into new momentum for his campaign.

Does “standout” mean “he stands out from the other lunatics by being even fucking crazier”?

If so, well played.


I fear that his gravitas, charm, warm personal manner, and chiselled good looks will make him a formidable general-election candidate.


Strong debate performance? What debate did you all watch. He avoided every question asked of him.


Republican logic:

Avoid questions, whine about “liberal” media = great debate performance.


Forget about the debates or campaigning…

The nominee will be he who has the richest backers…

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“Cruz Hopes To Build Momentum After Strong Debate Performance”

So does every Democratic strategist.


Ted Cruz will never sit in the White House.

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“Momentum”: a media term, quite prevalent among American media outlets, referring to the ability to stack shit higher than 72 inches.

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I’m waiting for Tweety to pull some kind of “can’t you just smell the cigars and Aqua Velva on this guy?” that he said about the Human Bloodhound Fred Thompson during his somnambulant 2008 campaign.
None of these assholes - Cruz, Rubio, Bush, and the rest, even jagoff Paul Ryan in the House - can withstand attacks outside of their Teabagger Bubble. They will have to suck the balls of the base for such a long time they will never be able to wash the stench off before the general election.
And I don’t care what anyone says, I am not afraid of Marco Rubio. That motherfucker is going down, either during the primary or in the general. And Paul Ryan’s comment today about not working with Obama on immigration is a beautiful nail in the general election coffins for every one of these Republicans.


I was wondering why I was reading such a slobbering, ball-sucking fan-girl evaluation of Ted Cruz’s campaign. And that’s when I woke up: it’s from the Associated Press. The Ghost of Ron Fournier looms large still.


“Anyone” being some Klue-less individual who has zero knowledge of how lightweight and shallow Rubio is.

Or maybe “anyone” being one of the relatively few Latinos dumb enough to vote for a would-be fascist … whatever his last name is

Or maybe “anyone” being one of the many who still are unaware of some of the improprieties in Rubio’s background

Or maybe “anyone” being being one unaware of the millions of women who would suffer grievously both with regard to the Presidency AND with regard to whichever fascist this idiot could nominate to SCOTUS

Or maybe “anyone” unaware of the billions of people who will be impacted should the Republicans have anything to do with formulating Climate Policy in the Executive Branch

“I like how he’s tough on the Democrats — and the Republicans,” said Terri Studer, 55, a Republican from Des Moines who is leaning toward caucusing for Cruz.

That is your criteria? Very low bar, there, Terri. Personally, I would shoot for something like this: Someone who is strong on their convictions but realistic, pragmatic when reaching across the aisle. My-Way-Or-The-Highway never wins – no matter the politics of the person.

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Okay, dommyluc, you’ve alluded to ball sucking in two posts this morning. Are you trying to get my attention? Hehehehe.

That’s why the pundits are gushing about how strong his performance was. Cruz’ ability to lie, deflect, and demagogue are superb.

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I recently read an article that claims that Ted Cruz’s mother lacks a birth certificate and therefore is unable to prove she’s an American citizen…so this guys presidential campaign maybe for naught!

Hey Ted, where is your mother’s long form certified birth certificate? I think you should post it up on your campaign website…

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Just like Fiorina?

I too live in fear that the Republicans will come to their senses and give the nomination to Cruz who is clearly the most formidable and electable candidate in the field. I certainly hope none of them read the comments here and realize he is the one we are most worried about.

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Find him a tent to preach from.

So the Republican base looking out at the landscape sees CNBC debate moderators as the major problem facing America today?? Because that’s what I’m left to conclude if this article is true. That Ted Cruz, by attacking the moderators has revitalized his campaign.

Apparently they can’t be bothered with income inequality, disparate treatment of minorities in our criminal justice system, three wars we’re engaged in, among other issues. Attacking moderators and immigrants. That seems to be what their Party stands for.