Discussion: Cruz: Halbig Decision 'Repudiation Of Obamacare' And Its 'Lawlessness'

Hahahahhahahaaha, good one! Tell me another joke please!

Actually a repudiation of something not in the law because aSCOTUS decision, and of course there is no way to fix the law to correct this one word since Congress is incapable of this level of work.

So, what did Stupid say his alternate plan would be to address the issues covered by the ACA?


Shields people? WTF. How about the people I know who finally were able to get healthcare. Does he give a flip about their lives?

Iā€™m going to guess no.

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Iā€™m certain it comes naturally to him.


Iā€™d buy a ticket to see that! No snark, either.

Every utterance of someone like Ted Cruz bears out the recent polling dealing with people under 40 and Millennials specifically, who are still not as politically engaged as Old People.

If the young, single women and minorities voted to the same extent as neo-Confederate geriatrics, Cruz would have far far less political and social significance.

In the recent NC primary, it was related to me by a buddy that the age cohort of 72-year-olds ONLY outvoted all people from 18-25 years of age.

If the US were a country faced with the kinds of social realities of the Weimar Republic (1923), Poland (1939), Imperial Russia (1917), Spain (1936), China (1949), Mexico (1910) or United States (1967) there would be an aroused young citizenry.

As it is, aside from some outstanding actors (such as OCCUPY, youngsters volunteering for various political campaigns, environmentalists) the bulk of people are busy amusing themselves to death (a term often used to refer to popular culture).

And Ted Cruz?

Playing to a national packed house of the Old and the Racist.

Ted Cruz: useless dipshit.

Cruz: Halbig and King Decisions ā€˜Repudiation and Non-Repudiation of Obamacareā€™ And its ā€œLawlessness and Lawfulnessā€™

I wonder how those Texans who stand to lose their health insurance over this feel about their senator celebrating it so loudly. In a rational world, that kind of thing would show up at the polls and heā€™d lose his seat.

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We wonā€™t rest until every single poor person is kicked off Obamacare!

Thatā€™s what we Repubs stand for.

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Go ahead and stick your neck out a little farther pleaseā€¦

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I assume that, as far as sen. cruz is concerned, the 4th circuit is unconstitutional. as a result, any rulings from it donā€™t really count.

Being in the public eye is the lifeblood of these waco birds. When they were standing on a corner with ā€˜The End is Near!ā€™ signs they never got any press and no one took them seriously. Now they get elected to the Senate. Were the media to stop excitedly repeating every inanity uttered by these bozos theyā€™d eventually whither on the vine, go back to Texas and try a new snake oil to huck.

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Cruz is doomed to disappointment on this ruling.

First, the ruling ignores standard judicial practice when there is an ambiguity such as is present in this issueā€“and that practice leads intelligent judges to defer to the federal agency with expertise in the area at issue, which in this case is the IRS.

Second, the decision is being appealed to the full DC Circuit, which is highly likely to overturn this cretinous decision.

Third, Cruz is a pathological liar, and if the s.o.b. told you the sky was blue, youā€™d have to look out the window before you could safely agree with him.


It comes to him naturally. Some people are just born asswholes.


As long as ā€œthose peopleā€ get hurt more than they do, Iā€™m sure theyā€™re fine with it.

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Pics dude, donā€™t forget the pics!

No, Ted, it means these two Republican judges are as intellectually dishonest as you.


Except that the argument was pitched (and ignored by the majority) that the rest of the law makes it clear what the law was meant to do.

The Democratic majority of the full circuit court may buy this argument if it is put before them. Will you then claim that the majority is wrong while the minority is right?