Discussion: Cruz Backer Steve King Admits 'New York Values' Attack Wasn't Best Idea

Hell, Cruz applauded him.

He loved/hated it.

Cruz knows “those people” in New York don’t have the required menu of “real MurriKKKan values” required by the ‘base’ of the GOP:

Anyone even considering picking any of these Republican candidate loons is no different than someone trying to decide which STD would be just right for him.


BTW: The Republicans should change their symbol from the poor ol’ elephant to the human centipede. One craps out a lot of crap that is swallowed up by the other crapper candidates who in turn crap it out and so on, and on, and on …



“Some of those punches were below the belt when he brought up Sept. 11 because there’s no way to defend yourself from that. That wasn’t the topic. He just adopted it and brought it in,” King said. “But he did it so deftly.”

There was absolutely no reason for Cruz to denigrate the entire population of one of America’s greatest cities. None. What he did was indefensible from the start. Trump just pointed that out in effective fashion.


You think?

Since he wants to be pres for the United States of America…not just redneck merika.

AND, he gets his undocumented MONEY from Goldman Sacks…NY!


Yeah, those are meant for “quiet rooms” and only in the confines of off-the-air comments among your bigoted brethren.

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Wow! When Steve King says you’ve gone too far wingnutty, you know you have.

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But Cruz made the donnie seem like a nah-ice guy.

Cruz needs to take some pointers on how to deal with Americans from Mike Huckabee:

"According to the former Arkansas governor, Americans would be better off with a national flat sales tax of 10 percent, which he refers to as the “Fair Tax” plan.

“It’s built on the common sense with which we raised our kids and train dogs,” he declared. “You reward behavior you want more of. And you punish behavior you want less of. That’s how I raise kids, it’s how I trained our dogs. And folks, it’s not that difficult.””

I hate having to agree with Trump.

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I usually think Steve King is a douche, but his response here is quite honest. He gives Trump credit and admits that Cruz should’ve kept his big, slimy mouth shut.

I was really moved last night listening to Trump. He was reliving it. I also think that his response was not “below the belt” at all. He was expressing how New Yorkers, tough, giving, charitable, smart, and effective, responded to one of the worst attacks on American soil. Those are their values. Like it or not Steve King.

Not sure it was below the belt at all. Cruz was insulting all of New York, he can do it because he would never win that state, and then Trump basically took the ball and slammed it down in his face. It was a stupid thing to say in the first place, panning to conservatives only and Trump dropped the bomb. They are both idiots though.

He wanted to stab him in the throat, but even he realized that might mean he wouldn’t win the presidency. Although with this crowd, who knows? Maybe they’d think he was tough enough to throw Obama out of the White House and start WWIII.

Lets cut through the crap. Republicans only believe the “real” America is rural American. The citizens in the urban areas are not “real” Americans. It makes it easier to demonize the cities (i.e. Democrats, blacks, immigrants, poor, etc.) and praise rural and suburbs (wealthy, white, republican, etc.) It also makes it easier to “govern” (we all know that reps don’t actually govern) since they can ignore more than half the population of the country and blow smoke up the ass of the rest.

Here’s all you need to know about “Lopes” King!

He’s a confirmed, card-carrying, American Chicken-Hawk, with a backbone made up of feces colored jello!
The first post is from Shelby County, Iowa!

The following post also confirms everything else know about King’s yellow-jello backbone and his using college to avoid serving in the war, of his youth! While his friends and classmates were fighting and dying daily in Vietnam, King was running a scam with the Selective Service, to keep himself from being drafted! It’s what he did at the end that make’s him to be one repulsive human skid-mark! By the way, over 900 Iowans were killed in Vietnam, many while King was running his scam to keep himself safe and warm, at home!

when a raving dolt like steve king thinks you are stupid, you got problems.

we were attacked because we have room for everyone here except theocrats.


Not in Cruz’s 'Murica.

Cruz made a fatal mistake by misunderstanding the dog whistle. He was trying to recycle the Rovian “Pelosi and her San Francisco values wink wink heh heh” trope which always got big applause amongst conservatives, except you can’t just replace one city with another and expect the dog whistle to have the same effect.

In addition, although Cruz may have gotten some mileage from the “New York values” phrase while campaigning in the sticks, why on earth would he bring it up in a national forum, insulting the nations most populous city? Incredibly bad campaign advice.

Carnival Cruz needs to remember that there are two Americas. There’s Red State Heartland Conservative America, aka “flyover” country", and there’s Coastal Blue Liberal America, aka the America Cruz loves to hate. His attack on “New York Values” were an attack on the kind of liberalism and non-judgemental secular America that is becoming the majority. He’d better watch his words from here on out because those of us in Blue State America do not appreciate being demonized for our way of life.