Discussion: Court Postpones Arizona Inmate's Execution Over Lethal Injection Drug

Discussion for article #225290

The sadness of the “Hate and Kill Crowd” must be overwhelming, due to this postponement.

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Well see now, we just haven’t thought this through.

This country likes spectacle, second amendments solutions and barbaric punishments. So…let’s execute the condemned during halftime at football games. PLUS, lets make the execution participatory.

Here’s how it would work. everyone attending the game could rent a gun and be given one bullet each. At halftime, the condemned is released from a cage in one of the end zone and has to sprint to the other one while the fans take their best shot.

He doesn’t make it than justice has been served. If he gets to the end zone, he’d be instantly famous. Maybe he gets to go on a 12 hour rampage a la The Purge or stars in a beer commercial or something.

But lets stop pretending that we aren’t as savage as the people we are killing.


If people die every day from drug over dose why can’t the Gov. use those drugs?

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Hire mainliners to inject H… I hear it’s cheap these days…

And republicans could point crow about creating jobs – other than snow/blow/hand variety.

Does anyone ever wonder why the states don’t kill inmates with a full-face mask and a deadly flow of chloroform? It’s because that would be too easy. Republicans need suffering. This is the water torture crowd, after all.

I am, to say that least, confused by the notion that the state is thinking about appealing the decision because of the severity of Wood’s crime. I didn’t know that “he’s a very bad man, therefore his constitutional arguments are invalid” had become settled law.