Discussion: Court Chooses Virginia Redistricting Map In Favor Of Democrats

I’m not advocating for “State’s Rights” here, I’m just saying that local redistricting is generally the purview of the State and the Federal judiciary will generally be loath to interfere with that unless there’s clear evidence of malfeasance (even more so now that the VRA has been gutted by the Roberts Court). This case is different than the school integration cases because it’s already at a Federal level. If the Federal courts are involved, it should only be going further up the chain if there’s a valid reason for an appeal and the Supreme Court would have to find that the lower Federal court’s use of the Special Master was inappropriate or corrupted somehow in order to justify stepping in (as I see it), and I don’t think that they would have a valid argument for doing so.

I hadn’t realized this was already a Federal case and I admittedly didn’t articulate my position as clearly as I intended.

“The modules selected by the Court target senior Republicans, myself
included, without a substantive basis in the law,” Cox said in a statement.

The districts drawn by the GOP legislature protected senior Republicans, myself
included, without a substantive basis in the law,” Cox forgot to mention in a

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Yeah, my brush with greatness.