Discussion: Counterprotesters Vastly Outnumber White Nationalists At C'ville Anniversary

20 to 25 Racist two women and a black man,the only courage they have are Skeleton mask and white sheets, these day walkers run like cock roaches when their livilyhood is at risk

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We outnumber them. We always have. It’s just been too hard to get everyone up and out and counter-protesting.

Until now.


Hahahahahahahha. 50 was a funny number. 20 is way funny. My fave comment from yesterday, courtesy of @teenlaqueefa:

“They’re huddled in a small group for security, just like sardines do.”


While I support free speech, it’s unfortunate that this contemptible loser can force us to spend that much money to protect his sorry ass.

After about 90 minutes, the white nationalists were packed into a pair of vans and driven to safety.

The entire rally fit into this:

Yet another crowd less than what Dotard was hoping for.