Discussion: Coulter: I Thought Trump Was ‘Boorish Vulgarian’ Until 'Mexican Rapist Speech’

Holy crap I share a birthday with this woman. As a solace it’s also Jim Morrison’s, Flip Wilson’s and Terri Hatcher’s.


Why, oh why, does TPM continue to pay attention to this vile pile of walking, talking trash?

there are plenty of stories out there that SHOW what a vulgarian Trump is, How about focusing on those instead of an attention seeking sociopath that matters not at all.


Please tell me everyone has seen the Coulter mash-up from the Rob Lowe roast by now?


Wild dogs are more discriminating than that – vultures might be willing to process her corpse, however.


It’s so cute when Coulter gets the polysyllabic vapors about “boorish vulgarians”–kinda like a rabid dog taking tea.


Shorter Coulter: I am very open minded as I would take any white racist regardless of their morals or political ideology. I just love The Aryans. You can be rich, poor, anti-women, anti-LGBT etc, but I will support you if you are it.


Not me
Ugly ass scarecrow say what?


Oh my gosh, but you just gave me the giggles.

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Given that she used to schtup Dinesh D’Felon, all things are possible in that regard.

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In general, I’d agree that Coulter shouldn’t get the oxygen of coverage for every noxious exhalation. But this is an interesting example of the left-handed compliments he gets from his most even his most public supporters. It’s a real-world example of the joke pattern where someone who’s famous for a certain quality is struck by how much worse the jokee is.


A little attention starved Ann? You’re usually more coherent, but I guess it worked.

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Money and eyeballs dictates everything as to people the media will feature on their programs. I watched the Comedy Central roast of Rob Lowe with Coulter as a guest roaster. She pathetically shilled her book and her attempts at humor fell flat. Embarrassingly flat. Then of course Bill Maher, the nightly talk show circuit, cable news, et al trip over each other to book her. The mere willingness to subject your staff and viewers to her presence does not speak well of those giving her air time. Any group of civilized, educated, compassionate people gathered for a party would have her removed from the premises. She has no more business getting 5 minutes on some CNN panel than the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church or the head of Aryan Nation. The messaging coming forth from those two organizations is deemed unfit for broad dissemination by respectable media. Why is it any different with Coulter?

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These are good…


The hate just ooozzzzess out of every orifice…


Flesh eating bacteria should do the job, all the while giving her the pain and anguish she has caused so many of us over the years.

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Makes me wonder what she eats to sustain this level of hatred day in and day out.

Drumpf Brand Bile


Is that what he has his volunteers pass out to the people waiting in line to see his latest performance piece? Or does he coat his campaign gear with the stuff in China or over here?

Do you think she might be wishing one of those Mexican Rapist hooks up with her?

Also a deplorable tramp supporter…