Discussion: Corker: Republican Base's Support For Trump Is 'Tribal In Nature'

Funny… that didn’t prevent Corker from voting for that very tribal Trump Tax Cut Scam.


Completely off topic and apropos of absolutely nothing other than your geographic location, but here for your reading enjoyment is the latest from Mr. “There’s not a shred of evidence that I did anything wrong”

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I know where corker went sunday on his daily walkabout.
Nashville. lol

Like the popular independent film from the 80’s, The gods must be crazy.
The only difference is they worship Trump instead of a Coke bottle.


I was thinking Public Health and a contagious disease.


I lol’d

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In their minds that is the American flag. The America they want back!


Because they are Nazis?

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I wonder if “Tribal” is replacing “Values” as the new code word for Race?

Or is it just that Tribal is the new buzz word to explain hypocrisy?

Tribal , maybe. Birtherish ? definitely. Trump’s support by the Republican base is enabled by the lack of courage and integrity by Republicans in the US Senate and House. If more than one or two of them spoke up and said, " this will not stand" ,it may have made a difference in the perception of the base. Their lack of a backbone has resulted in a tyrannical reality tv actor running amuck in the oval office. Shame on the GOP for it’s lack of patriotism and support of our democratic institutions and norms.

Agree with you. My analogy was–his OWN PARTY, especially the “leadership” entirely cowed by the racist base, will lambaste him.

It isn’t your parent’s GOP these days.
Here’s today’s GOP… (and remember that evangelicals turn a blind eye to this part)…

Assist in building it.
Announce you are quitting.
Criticize that which you assisted in building.

Poll shows Trump voters favor a “strong leader” and without the hassle of elections.

That’s about 35% (?) here. I’ve heard of figures near 45% in Europe.

Thank you.
Words of wisdom.

Nixon lit the match, Reagan poured the gasoline, Corker and the Republican 1% threw the tires on and Trump brought the s’mores.

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Boy, I’m glad I saw that before dinner. I’m trying to lose some weight.

I guess it would work if I’d seen it before or after, now that I think about it.

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Until there was the “conservative movement”, there was only one tribe.

The United States of America.

It’s like a low-rent, circus freak show bus broke down right in front of a Confederate flag sidewalk sale.

I’m afraid to look; I am also afraid to look away.

Just like a real freak show.

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