Discussion: Cop Union President Says 12-Year-Old Was Threat To Killer Cop: 'Absolutely'

That kid did not have time to follow any orders and they did not have time to give any orders . They just sped up to him, the cop jumped out while the car was still moving and he shot that child dead. I could have gone my life without watching that video. Unnecessary and very sad.


They were the only union that Scott Walker exempted…

How would you like to be a cop in a dangerous situation and have that trigger happy asshole for your backup.

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Its almost like they thought he wasnt really a threat

“I think the nation needs to realize that when we tell you to do something, do it,” he added.

The sound of freedom! The whole nation needs to realize who its bosses are

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“How about this: Listen to police officers’ commands. Listen to what we tell you, and just stop,” he said. “I think that eliminates a lot of problems.”

“I think the nation needs to realize that when we tell you to do something, do it,” he added.

And there, in a nutshell, is why this person has absolutely no business in law enforcement. He seems to be confused about just what country he’s living in.


This frickin’ louse of a cop doesn’t realize what making a situation worse is. He is the fuel and the unwarranted deaths are the fire.

Maybe being an asshole is fun after he’s been at it for a while and long enough to be able to lead the other assholes.

“How about this: Listen to police officers’ commands. Listen to what we tell you, and just stop,” he said. “I think that eliminates a lot of problems.”

“I think the nation needs to realize that when we tell you to do something, do it,” he added.

I don’t think any more needs to be said.

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What would one expect. It is his job to defend the officer and his actions.

It’s long gone my friend.

Well said, and being an old white guy myself I completely agree.

Incapable of empathy…it’s the conservative way!

Is it DOCUMENTED that a stop order was given by the cop with the gun? In 2 seconds (or less) is it possible to articulate a stop order with confidence that it is heard? In theory both the order and the response had to fit into 2 seconds.

I agree. Airsoft guns have bright orange tips, so if the gun was pointed at the officer he should have seen that and known he was not in danger. That’s why the law says they have to have the orange tip.

Police must have change their motto from “To Protect and To Serve” to “Obey and Do What I Say”! #DerangedPoliceUnionHead

A gun is the last resort , not the first .

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He should have been asked if he would make the same comment about a white kid with a toy gun?

It won’t be long before that bald-headed clown is arrested for molesting little boys or farm animals, at the local petting zoo!

You’ve got to hand it to him, not many men are willing to admit that a 12 year old kid is a threat to him. I had thought cops were manly men, but this shows them to be the opposite.

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And getting out of the car and assessing the situation.

So, plenty of time.

I’ve been really surprised that there hasn’t been more discussion of this issue wrt/ the recent police killings. I mean we all know that some residual marijuana in Mike Brown’s system made him a violent, suicidal mad man, but what was Darren Wilson’s mental state? Have any of the officers involved in excessive use of force cases been blood-tested after the fact? Were they on any illegal substances that could have affected their attitudes, behaviors and actions? Why isn’t drug testing standard operating procedure in all criminal complaints against police? (Cynically, it’s probably not done for the same reason that most police shootings don’t get independent investigators and prosecutors - to protect the cops at the expense of justice.)

After the initial horror of watching a man choked to death, my next thought upon watching the Eric Garner video was that the officer looked liked a 'roided up cage-fighter who wouldn’t relent even after the ref was trying to tap him to release his grip. I tried to do some quick research into the notion that steroid abuse is rampant in the policing community and the first hit I found was this article in “Police Chief Magazine” and this paper that address the issue and confirm that steroid abuse is a problem in the Law Enforcement community.


TPM, can we see some investigative reporting into the issue of police and illicit drug-use?

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