Discussion: Cop Union President Says 12-Year-Old Was Threat To Killer Cop: 'Absolutely'

Good god… How to unpack so much WRONG in that cop’s statement?

Did the cop car need to roll right up next to the kid? No, they could have stopped 20-30 feet away, giving the officers time to assess the situation.

Did the kid have enough time to follow any orders? No. Car rolls up, kid goes down, shot within two seconds – which isn’t enough time to react in any way other than shocked surprise.

Was the kid a threat to either of the officers? No. Why? Because the kid never had a lethal weapon in his hands!

The only “threat” was in the imagination of at least one officer who preferred to shoot first, then just stand around and let the kid bleed out on the ground.

Basically what this authoritarian thug is saying is, “Don’t make us notice you, because we can and will kill you immediately for no actual reason. You should also be precognitive, because you will be expected to follow a cop’s barked orders before he even gives them. Or even if he doesn’t give you any orders at all.”


Wilson drove off after he told them to get off the street, looked in his mirror and saw the cigars in Browns hands, and then it clicked that they fit the description of the people he had just heard from dispatch had committed a strongarm robbery. This is on the 911 tapes. So that’s why he backed up.

all deaths by other people are, by definition, homocides, even executions. the question then becomes, was it a justifiable homicide?

Is this guy skilled at public relations or what?…huh?…huh…h’kay…
Seriously, I’m trying to sort out the varied reasons police by and large are carrying this “us against them” (“them” being everyone who isn’t a cop, but most especially minorities) as a chip on their shoulder.
Is it because they are so plugged into “the national security structure” post 9-11 that the power is going to their heads? Honestly, it’s hardly beyond the realm of possibility that a cop can park at the end of your block, bring up every cell phone call in the area, tap into every WiFi network, or dispatch a drone to video your daughter sun-bathing in the back yard, all while their car cameras and dashboard laptops run automatic background checks on every license plate that passes by.
Is it because of the internet, cellphone use and social media that we’re just more aware of what has been going on for a long time, most especially in black communities?
Are police departments nationwide distributing steroids at roll call?
Are they reflecting this unspoken sense of racism among conservative-leaning whites – the alarming racist reaction since Obama’s election, what many of us hoped was finally past but was only enflamed? So many of the “scandals” of this administration have simply been ways for Talk Radio and other enclaves of white privilege to say “We don’t like him because he’s black” without saying “We don’t like him because he’s black”. Cops tend to be white, they tend to live in white enclaves and, like the listeners of Talk Radio, tend to be authoritarian submissives – provided the authority is white, has a buzz haircut and a flag pin in their lapel.
It’s reached the point for me, even before the Brown shooting, where I’d hesitate to call the police if I saw a burglary in progress across the street, just for fear that they’d shoot my poodle if it dashed out the door barking at the responding officer, as dogs might do. They seem that trigger happy and out of control, and I’m saying this as a middle-aged white guy.
This sense of pending “show me your papers” police statehood – you must obey us without question, you work for us, you answer to us, we run the show – should be alien to the American mind. It’s very much what we fought against in 1776. Yes that’s pompous to say so, but really, what’s behind this trend of cops being judge, jury and executioner in too many encounters? What the f*ck has happened to the country I grew up in?


Soldiers at war treat and discuss enemy soldiers with more humanity. This bullet headed “male” is a sociopath, and is exactly the kind of “male” you do NOT want with a license to kill.

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tone deaf white people. they do not even think of their own children - just politics

Guess it must be age (not THAT old) but, when baldness was reserved for Pendelton Marines on week end pass, or later into the 70s, the look of Eastern sect monks.

Somewhere in the 80s perhaps some movie star was losing hair and went full scalped.

None the less, when I saw this interview, it was cringe worthy and could have been used as a recruitment piece for say an Edward Norten sort in American History X.

Mil-spec Cops, birthed by the Fred C. Koch paranoids in a town near you and going strong since the 50s.

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That kid did not have time to follow any orders and they did not have time to give any orders . They just sped up to him, the cop jumped out while the car was still moving and he shot that child dead. I could have gone my life without watching that video. Unnecessary and very sad.


They were the only union that Scott Walker exempted…

How would you like to be a cop in a dangerous situation and have that trigger happy asshole for your backup.

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Its almost like they thought he wasnt really a threat

“I think the nation needs to realize that when we tell you to do something, do it,” he added.

The sound of freedom! The whole nation needs to realize who its bosses are

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“How about this: Listen to police officers’ commands. Listen to what we tell you, and just stop,” he said. “I think that eliminates a lot of problems.”

“I think the nation needs to realize that when we tell you to do something, do it,” he added.

And there, in a nutshell, is why this person has absolutely no business in law enforcement. He seems to be confused about just what country he’s living in.


This frickin’ louse of a cop doesn’t realize what making a situation worse is. He is the fuel and the unwarranted deaths are the fire.

Maybe being an asshole is fun after he’s been at it for a while and long enough to be able to lead the other assholes.

“How about this: Listen to police officers’ commands. Listen to what we tell you, and just stop,” he said. “I think that eliminates a lot of problems.”

“I think the nation needs to realize that when we tell you to do something, do it,” he added.

I don’t think any more needs to be said.

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What would one expect. It is his job to defend the officer and his actions.

It’s long gone my friend.

Well said, and being an old white guy myself I completely agree.

Incapable of empathy…it’s the conservative way!

Is it DOCUMENTED that a stop order was given by the cop with the gun? In 2 seconds (or less) is it possible to articulate a stop order with confidence that it is heard? In theory both the order and the response had to fit into 2 seconds.

I agree. Airsoft guns have bright orange tips, so if the gun was pointed at the officer he should have seen that and known he was not in danger. That’s why the law says they have to have the orange tip.

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