Discussion: Cop Accused Of Fatally Shooting Man In The Back Goes On Trial For Murder

Discussion for article #242475

I dunno about this one - if Michael Brown and Tamir Rice had gotten the level of warnings she claims to have given, they’d be alive. Since the video purports to show “Kassick’s hands repeatedly disappearing underneath his body as Mearkle screams at him to keep them where she can see them”, the prosecutor faces an uphill battle trying to prove it was the same kind of shooting as those abominations.


I am not sure I understand the inability to use non-deadly force against this man. Not even a warning round in the ground near him… that might have sufficed to stop his attempt to toss the needle.
Law enforcement is not a “kill or be killed” life style


I would think that being tased would limit your ability to comply with commands.


So thank goodness that’s not the level of proof he has to get to in this case. He has to prove that her fear wasn’t reasonable. I don’t think he’s going to have that much of a problem.


No sympathy for her. There was no reason to kill this man. Jail her and put her in with the general population.

Not buying it. He should have had his hands cuffed behind his back by request number 3. She claims she “needed” to ask him 23 times? WTF was she doing instead of cuffing him if he was already on the ground face down?


Most police departments have a policy against firing a warning shot because of the possibility of a bystander or the suspect being injured by a misplaced shot or a ricochet. And you certainly wouldn’t fire a shot in the air in any populated area.

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Sure sounds like justifiable homicide to me. You need to listen to the cop, and if you put your hands under your body, as if reaching for a weapon, bad things are going to happen. There is a need for people to allow cops to do their jobs. You flea (running a red light by driving around another car???), you fail to follow reasonable instructions, you continue to put your hands out of sight where a weapon can and is often placed, you are going to have a bad results. And as far as why he was not cuffed, no cop is going to come near you to cuff you if you are clearly not cooperating. This guy was probably a lot bigger than this woman cop. The cop has a duty to protect herself. There have been a HUGE number of cop killings recently. She will be found innocent, and reinstated.

Just reading you makes me tired.


You ever seen somebody get tased? Their body clinches up and they hardly have control of their limbs.

This bitch is full of shit…but she’ll get off, cops get free passes. The threat of death by cop is ok, so long as the majority of their victims fit the description.

You might be conflating policeman with executioner.


There was no gun. Furtive movements are not dangerous. Think about it-if a guy is lying face down even if he has a gun the officer can wait until the officer sees the gun before airing out the suspect.

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Can we apply the death penalty to her the same way she applied it to the victim? Shooting her while she’ lying face-down in the snow after being tased?

Well there are a few points to consider. He did NOT have a weapon so he could not have been reaching for one. The officer had just tazed him twice and he was on the ground. After you Taze the person may act erratically and violently due to electrical interference with brain function. It’s in the manual and officers are alerted to it.

You are a Cop lover and probably an authoritarian. I am not against Cops but I do not think they are super people…ubermenches that have the right to kill you because they made a bad judgment call. As for all that drivel about Cops never cuffing a violent of erratic person that just flat out bullshit. That is who they cuff the quickest. If the Cop’s size, as you speculate, was a hindrance she should get another job rather than prance around town shooting folks and blameing it on being small.

A man is dead and he did not do anything to merit that. The man is fucking dead and he did not have to be.


She was too busy counting how many times she said it.

Thank you.

Indeed. I have read it described from people that saw the video, that his hand motions were more the twitchings associated with someone who has just been tasered…which he had. And her two shots were not rapid…there were slow and spaced apart by quite some time. So it sounded more like “he’s still twitching…keep shooting till he stops moving entirely”.

What I find kind of shocking is what is listed here from her testimony. It sounds like she made the decision to kill him as soon as he drove away. And brushed aside any last doubts once he jumped out of the car. Not just shoot him…kill him.

I thought the theory was still, if the suspect presents a danger to the officer of others. I have a hard time seeing a man running away…then tasered and twitching on the ground…being a danger to the officer or others.

Hmm…lets see. The maximum penalty for running a red light in PA is $100 and 3 points off your license. Doesn’t mention a death penalty anywhere in those statutes.

Resisting arrest is a 2nd degree misdemeanor in PA…maximum 2 years prison and $5,000 fine. Again…no death penalty mentioned.

That is just factually wrong. Or put another way…complete bullshit. Police officers dying in the line of duty this year is the 2nd lowest in a century.


On the other side, however, more people have been killed by police officers so far this year than any year since 1976. And the year isn’t over.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is called ex post facto reasoning.

When you are dealing with the situation, you don’t know if he has a gun. You do not make decisions on whether he has one or not, just on if he ACTS LIKE HE HAS ONE, like… reaching under your body.

Wow, so you are opposed to lady cops. Kind of an unusual opinion in these parts.

Just full of conclusions tonight, eh? I have been pulled over a number of times, like most folks. I am not dead. I do not run from the cops. I do not drive through red lights to avoid the bust. I speak to the cop in a respectful manner. I occasionally get off with just a warning, which I suppose you would say is because I am a seething, burning vortex of White Privilege, the most vile and disgusting thing in the universe. I get the ticket, I pay the ticket. And quite often, almost every time, the cop who arrested me for speeding or running a sign was right.

So many of these dead morons do stupid, stupid things. And what do folks here do? Say its the cop’s fault. Well, don’t do stupid shit, and you won’t get killed, usually. DO NOT get out of your car and run away. DO NOT pull out your gun and try to shoot the cop. DO NOT get mouthy and make stupid comments. Just deal with the situation.

Every single day, hundreds of thousands of people get stopped by cops and ARE NOT DEAD. Because those people ARE NOT STUPID.