Discussion: Cooper's Lead In NC Guv Race Has Surpassed Threshold For Recount

Damn you Richmond Democrats interfering in another state’s election,

Have you no shame?


I can sort of sympathize with McCrory. As reprehensible as the outcome of the November 8 election was, he seems to be pretty much the only Republican that anyone in the country didn’t want to return to office.

In light of that, his loss does seem a bit suspicious. Voters sent a bunch of horrible Republicans back to office, but not this particular one? Hmmm.

EDIT: I get it, guys. He’s horrible. But that’s my point. He’s bad. So is Ron Johnson. So is Jason Chaffetz. So is Darrell Issa. Unlike the terrible McCrory, the terrible Johnson, Chaffetz and Issa have all been returned to their jobs, as were a lot of other horrible Republicans. Richard Burr, anyone?

On the other hand, I haven’t seen any evidence that McCrory is uniquely terrible.


Good! Let’s hope some semblance of good government comes to NC.


Look, NC voted for R Senator and R President and a D Governor ON THE SAME BALLOT! They also chose a R Lt. Gov, a D. Attorney general and a D. Secretary of State.

McCrory is an embarassment to the state, mostly due to HB2. It’s not that everybody hates it, it’s just that the people who want it found the pushback messy and embarassing. It’s costing the state millions in dollars and jobs.


I expect the shredders and flush toilets will be getting a workout between now and year’s end.

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So NOW what excuse will he come up with?


Good. Stop wasting our money, you damned welfare queen. Go back to Duke or Koch or whoever the heck will take you now.

Actually, he’ll probably be Trump’s deputy chief of the EPA.


Maybe, maybe not. Trump doesn’t like losers. But maybe he’d like to publicly humiliate McCrory just for funsies.


HHS Under-Secretary for LGBT Outreach


McCrory being put out to pasture with no political future could be the ONLY positive outcome of the 2016 elections.


Duke Energy will take him back, I’m sure—and Art Pope can support him until Hell freezes over and never miss the pocket change.

And that brings up the other bright spot for NC residents—Art Pope will no longer be part of the state government.
My cousin—who works in the state treasury department—will be turning somersaults of joy about this.


McCrory the Tollet Tyrant is going down, down, down.


Voters were tired of Duke Energy and its environmental disasters running the state in McCrory’s name.


McCrory made plenty of enemies in NC, even among the Republican legislature. His allegiance to Art Pope (the local Koch brothers guy) and Duke Energy (his former employer and major polluter) was just way too obvious, making him look like an incompetent puppet.

This is very good news. Maybe the Democrats can start making a comeback now.


McRory: I fully expect Sir Trump to appoint me Governor of NC regardless of the outcome. We all know there has been widespread voter fraud against Republicans.


Asshole to the very end. If the ex-governor ever wonders what went wrong, a mirror would be a good place to start.


What do you mean no future? As long as the Yam is president, Pat has a great future.

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McCrory won by portraying himself as a “different kind of Republican.” Grinning, glad-handing, kindler, gentler, why just look at how he worked with Democrats when he was mayor of Charlotte. He ran a gazzillion dollars worth of oligarch-funded commercials featuring people purporting to be Democrats lauding him for being all different. The implication was that by “different,” he meant “moderate,” that most wondrous of unicorn beings that a certain segment of the electorate yearns for as they do for their long, lost first love.

The result was that he won with, as best I can tell, something like 125-200K votes from voters who split their ballots to vote for him and Obama.

He then promptly began governing as a nasty, snarling, hard, hard right Kochpuppet, time and again portraying extremely radical hard right acts–like cock-blocking medicaid expansion and drastically slashing unemployment benefits both in amount and in time, the whole bathroom bill with a bunch of riders intended to repeal the state’s law on employment discrimination actions and local minimum wage increases, and, of course, the abominable voter id bill as “common sense solutions” for real problems. And, of course, there was the whole coal ash thing–trying to weaken regulations right before a disaster that poisoned eighty miles of the Dan River, a general sense that he was still an employee of Duke Energy. And just generally revealing himself to be a snarling, Nixonesque raging asshole.

I’ve also got to say that here, as in many states, it’s very difficult to beat a long time attorney general. It’s an office where you spend most of your time do-gooding and helping consumers. Cooper’s refusal to defend some of the more atrocious acts was both highly partisan and political and yet, also, the right thing to do.

I cannot evaluate the effect of the “Moral Monday” protests. The lack of any progress in a single other race leads me to believe they had very little to do with McCrory’s defeat. But one thing I think did was that, among many important Republcian “reforms” to the state’s election laws he presided over was the abolition of straight-ticket voting, which, much as they believe other ridiculous things about voting, Republicans believed cost them votes. But instead, it meant you had to vote for each candidate on the ballot, ensuring that a candidate of the winning presidential candidate’s party who had managed to make himself especially obnoxious and unpopular got no ride on the coattails.


Right. It is maybe the most telling point of McCrory’s reign, when he defunded Coopers investigative branch entirely, and moved all investigations to the state police (which answer to the governor). Cooper still stood tall against the gooper perfidy.