Discussion: Coons On Schultz: Do Americans Want A 'Repeat Of Donald Trump'?

That tweet right there is a public confession of breaking the emoluments clause of the Constitution. Article 1 section 9 clause 8 to be specific.


I donā€™t know whether to laugh or cry that he implies/thinks that he is the smartest person in American


If it were not for Ross P Clinton would not have beat George I. Why donā€™t these third party guys realize they can not win but they can cause major disruption.

trymp absolutely thinks he is Godā€™s gift to humanity and is the smartest human to ever have existed. This ainā€™t snark either. He actually thinks this.


The senator?

Howie knows coffee and branding. Thatā€™s about it. Hard pass. And the ferocious blowback from Starbucksā€™ core base will snap him out of it soon enough anyway.

Unfortunately, Trump has been so completely corrupt and incompetent that one of the major lessons of this debacle is likely to be lost on a lot of people. The government is not a business, and should not be run like one. Iā€™m sure Howie is thinking well Trump had the right idea, heā€™s just bad at it. But a real cool cat like meā€¦ thatā€™s the ticket.


Yeah they will all switch to Folgers!


Jesus what an egotistical middle school boy personality!

A truly successful businessman, not one propped up by his dad then Putin, really scares Donald!

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Hope so

Iā€™ve been home roasting for 15 years. Itā€™s easy, itā€™s cheaper than anyone elseā€™s coffee by the cup ($0.50 per cup vs. $3.00 for Starbucks), itā€™s better coffee than anyone else, and itā€™s fun.


Heā€™s not at Starbucks anymore. Why should he care about a boycott?

Thatā€™s the most nonsensical piece of conventional wisdom ever. HW didnā€™t break 40% in a three-way race as the incumbent, and weā€™re to believe he would have won head to head?

A lot of hand wringing over nothing. The Green Party did not hand donnie the White House in `16. Hillary pissed it away.

She won the election, the EC and probably some questionable elections handed Donald the win.Much the same reason Bush ā€œwonā€ again Gore.

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Iā€™ve been boycotting Starbucks for years; pretty much immediately after I tried their coffee for the first time.


But, do you do your bidness in the woods?


I have been boycotting them since the first time I asked for a Grande and got a Regular. Also, in my late 40ā€™s, on a frigid NYC Saturday morning, after having imbibed just a tiny bit much with some friends the night before, I had to walk about 20 blocks from a Manhattan train station to a professional Continuing Ed type of event. I figured I would encounter a Starbucks on the way and drink coffee. Like a NYC Cop when you really needed one, Starbucks let me down that morning. And as those of you who know me are aware, I am capable of holding grudges forever.

@schmed- I can google home roasting but if you have any good links, I am most definitely interested. When my family moved to Puerto Rico from the mainland in the early 60ā€™s I was having trouble adapting without the Flintstones, Bonanza, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. On one of our first drives into Santurce (sort of the Brooklyn to Old San Juanā€™s main hub) we arrived just as one of the local coffee plants did one of their regular toasting sessions. The aroma of the toasting coffee beans won my 7 year old heart over, immediately. So I would love to buy and roast in my own apartment. Might be life changing.


Iā€™m not surprised a wealthy whit guy has steeped forward to protect his power and privilege. I think this country has had enough of wealthy business men protecting their class. Heā€™s not a Democrat, he wants to re-elect Trump who gave him $millions in tax breaks. He can say all the nice ā€œdemocratic policy statementsā€ he wants to fool people, but he has no worry that they will be implemented after he splits the vote and puts Trump back in the Whitehouse.

Clinton received 43% Bush 37% and Perot 19%. If you donā€™t recognize the impact of the third party History has taught nothing. In a head to head who knows what the results would beā€¦ however if my memory from the time is correct the analysis at the time was Perot peeled many more votes from GHWB than from Clinton.