Discussion: Coons On Schultz: Do Americans Want A 'Repeat Of Donald Trump'?

He was given an interview last night on “60 Minutes” (a television show which was a lot more interesting when they exposed abuse at Medicare-funded nursing homes):
Schultz said he is “seriously” considering running for president “as a centrist independent, outside of the two-party system.” He also called the Democrats “healthcare radicals”.

Centrist independent? Healthcare radicals? Bitch, please! Fuck you!


I am sure that the vast majority of federal workers who got screwed put of their paychecks during the shutdown can’t get to sleep at night because they are so worried about the deficit, Howard.


Nah. But he’s got one of Susan Collins on his ass, though.

You’re preaching to the converted here, Chris.


Schultz has no more chance of winning in 2020 than I do of being the next Pope, and I’m not Catholic. The danger is that he takes enough votes from the Democrat to saddle us with four more years of total corruption, ineptitude and malevolence.


I have many unanswered questions before I throw all my support and money blindly behind him.

Does he have a daughter who he wants to fuck?

Does he have a son-law, with a complete lack of body hair, whom the world will learn speaks with the baritone we only see in toddlers and who is capable of performing all tasks in government?

Does he have a computer wizard as a son?

Does he have a serial killer of South East Asian prostitutes as another son who will help him negotiate new business ventures globally while he is President?

Does he also know how Vladimir Putin’s ass tastes?

Could he explain how’d he run the country better than he ran the SuperSonics and will he apologize to Seattle for that?

Will he be the only billionaire answer man in the White House cabinet or will he build a Lincoln style team of rival billionaires? Will he ask his cabinet billionaires to take oaths to remain out of touch with American people and only take roles that personally benefit them?

Will he willingly take a DNA test to show if he too is Native American?

Does he know the actual words to the national anthem or God Bless America?

Does he pray to the acceptable white God?

Will he punish others who pray to ethic Gods?

What’s his Capitol of Israel?

How many journalists should be dismembered annually by oil rich countries?

Is the NYT in his opinion failing or flailing?

Can we stone or at least tar and feather Mike Pence on inauguration day?


I will boycott Starbucks if he says one more word about running or Democrats or politics or health care.


We in AZ are on our 3rd CEO type as governor. Of the first two in my experience, Evan Mecham was removed for embezzling his inauguration fund, Fife Symington went to prison for his role in the Keating 5 scandal. Now we have Doug Ducey, former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery.
We just cannot learn the lesson.


Fun fact: you don’t have to be either male or Catholic to become pope. Doesn’t seem hurt your odds if you are, tho.

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Isn’t the 3rd one running as the incumbent?

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When a billionaire runs for President and says he is concerned about the deficit and that it is the number one pressing problem in this country since it is going to destroy us, you can bet your sweet but not Trump-sized ass that they mean severely cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Just remember what Nancy “Thor” Pelosi said to GWB after the 2004 election on his plans to use his political capital to try to restructure Social Security and other earned benefit programs (I refuse to use the term “entitlement programs”):

“Never. Is never good enough for you?”


But before I begin a boycott of Starbucks I suppose I’ll hafta stock up on those little packets of instant Colombian medium roast for those inevitable emergencies.
Coffee is a life sustainer in the darr household. Thankfully I have identified a local importer/roaster of damned fine coffee beans.

All of us here agree as well right? We need a succinct, truth challenged, spelling adverse, series of early morning tweeted rantings from an orange turd to cut potential candidate Starbucks down to Grande size.

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Yes, yes and yes.

I cannot believe, after all the shit we have been through and will be going through, that we have another disruptor like this.

The only explanation I have for it is that the guy thinks, oh, well, made my name, made my fortune, what other hills are there to climb? Oh, yeah, the presidency. And that other dipstick won, so my changes are better than ever.

Why, why, why do they keep doing this? If we had a parliamentary system, instead of this winner-takes-all, then I’d say, yeah, go for it. But not now, not after all the damage we have had.

But, typical rich guy – who gives a shit about the little people, it’s all about MY ego!!


…which, BTW, has a well-deserved reputation for really screwing its franchisees.

Here’s hoping that if Schultz is as smart as he thinks he is he will pay attention to people saying hell no and we’ll boycott Charbucks. Don’t know if he has a steel or less sturdy spine, but this may have been announced after not much thought. I think he could retreat when he hears people are not interested in him. He’s got his, let him put it to some good use somewhere and that’s not running for POTUS where he wouldn’t have a chance.

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I have been snarky in some other posts.

But. This. Cannot. Happen.

Coalition-splitting at the Ballot Box across the center of the political spectrum is Death to this Republic


The problem is that nearly everyone with big money gets some kind of weird syndrome which totally rewires their neurons into a strange, delusional alternative-universe orientation, which causes them to lose whatever common sense and empathy they ever had (assuming they had some to begin with) and to believe that they are the center of the universe, with knowledge and powers beyond normal human beings.

Schulz will never, ever, ever in a million years listen to what the “little people” have to say, other than to cherry-pick whatever fits into his delusional alternative-universe worldview.

Remember: all he heard about the Trump disaster is “that other business guy won, so I can too.” It will take a minor miracle for him to decide to back down on this stupid idea.


Someone has chimed in already this morning

Oh, and now he’s watching 60 Minutes. My, his TV watching is expanding, what does this mean? Bored? Trying to figure out ways to out fox the foxes?