Discussion: Coons On Schultz: Do Americans Want A 'Repeat Of Donald Trump'?

I, for one, am even more leery than ever that a CEO with no hands-on idea of how government works should be allowed to get on-the-job training in the WH.

FFS, if you have to run a vanity campaign, shoot for governor and learn a bit.

We’ve been burned enough.


100% No!


Just what we need
Another"businessman" who’s ego thinks it qualifies him to be president.
As my wife astutely observed after viewing the 60 minutes interview.
He’s boring , why would anyone vote for him.
Third party always works out
SEE: LePage, Paul times 2
Trump, Donald (Pulllleeeze once is enough)


I keep saying that some major group needs to start a “I will boycott Starbucks if Schultz runs as an Independent” pledge. Several million people boycotting Starbucks will cause Schultz to drop this narcissistic stunt. Business people are open to pressure, and it needs to be used against Schultz.


Bush, George W. (thanks Nader, you really did a great service for the little guy there you buttplug)

and if we want to look at the other side:

Clinton, Bill

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On another thread, people were responding to his twitter account and saying exactly that. That may get his attention.


No, the majority do not want a repeat of Donald Trump. That does not mean that the majority are real clear on what they do want and need. That is the problem, and part of the reason we got Donald Trump.

Edits: If we went by strict majority in the election, yes we would be better off and not have Trump. Do realize that, but still the issue is somewhat the same.


And in 2021, if Trump is elected, what state will your brand be in? After a campaign of people drawing every corporate and personal sin into light, now you’re the guy who go Trump re-elected. Who’s going to your store for coffee?

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Ann Coulter ought to charge out on an independent run tho.

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One wonders if Schultz has Putin’s backing, as Jill Stein apparently did in 2016.


Schultz is probably so ignorant of politics that he does not understand the issue.

Neophyte is literally correct.

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Perhaps OT: I read somewhere once that people don’t go to Starbucks for coffee. They go to get exactly what they specify, from people pleasant and cheerful, for $5.


No, just a hot cup of burnt tasting coffee with lots of cream and sugar!

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vanity candidates suck

Join the Ralph Nader / Jill Stein club.

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For Third Party, here is my sequence (from worst to best)

  • Gingrich 2.0
  • George Lincoln Rockwell 2.0
  • Heinrich Himmler 2.0

Get 'em all in THAT basket…but stay the FUCK away from us.

He got a Nixon tattoo too?


I have no reason to think SCHULTZ is not a decent guy…but, he sells coffee…how does that qualify him to run the government…GOVERNMENT is not a business, and altho’ he appears to a successful businessman…we already have seen what a disaster ‘business’ is for government.