Con-way sorta remembers Karl Rove’s “perpetual campaign machine” for GWB, so expect this to go on as long as her boss does :’(
It’s called a kakistocracy—government by the least qualified and least intelligent.
It goes with Mencken’s definition of democracy: The common people know what they want, and deserve to get it—good and hard.
“People have access to health care in America,” he told an audience in Cleveland. “After all, you just go to an emergency room.”
George Bush
PELLEY: Does the government have a responsibility to provide health care to the 50 million Americans who don’t have it today?
ROMNEY: Well, we do provide care for people who don’t have insurance, people — we — if someone has a heart attack, they don’t sit in their apartment and die. We pick them up in an ambulance, and take them to the hospital, and give them care. And different states have different ways of providing for that care.
“Kellyanne, you ignorant slut!”
Congress will be in session. The President can only call a special session when Congress is in recess.
U. S. Constitution, Article 2, Section 3:
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.
Yes I know that and you know that but those controlling the Donald don’t see it that way. And I bet you dollars to doughnuts those who are Republicans and those who just voted for HO don’t understand that.
I thought these folks were states rights guys… If you can buy accross state lines what happens to the state insurance commissions?
Three of the most commonly heard phrases for the next few years:
“What could possibly go wrong?”
“You can’t make this stuff up”
“No matter how cynical I get, I can’t keep up.”
I freakin’ hate these people. No. I have not even begun to be ‘over it’.
Can we “like” multiple times?
That has been discussed. This ‘solution’ is pure bullshit and they know it.
Replace it with what? Republicans have been trying to figure out a replacement for years. So far they have been unsuccessful.
That’s right. Blame anybody but the person responsible. If Hillary had given people a reason to vote for her they would have. She didn’t and she has no one to blame but herself. We are all going to live with the consequences of her self-indulgent arrogance.
Actually, you are misreading the problem.
Since Trump isn’t a member of Congress, and has very little support from within Congress (both Ryan and McConnell are hoping he is an empty vessel they can fill up with their own agendas), he will have an historical low level of influence over actual legislation.
Couple that with his complete lack of understanding on any policy, or desire to learn, and the scenario is Trump says something vague, like this “repeal and replace” and Congress goes and does whatever the hell it wants, Trump then goes into a fury on twitter and in interviews and the relationships deteriorate even further.
As for the campaign being over, continual campaigning is a hallmark of republican Presidencies. Trump’s ego will ensure that tradition continues.
Sorry, I have to disagree respectfully. I am no great fan of Sec. Clinton (I voted for Obama, and gladly, in the 2008 in the primaries), but a voter has a responsibility to be informed and vote for the best available candidate. Another choice, of course, is to not vote, or vote for a third-party candidate who has no chance. But then, you have to live with the consequences. Perhaps you’d like to ask those people how they’re feeling about their vote (sic.) right now. I’m glad I don’t have a Trump presidency on my conscience.
I voted for Clinton as well. Clinton blew the election by not giving people a positive message. Going negative all the time just drove down her vote. She had a responsibility to bring Bernie voters into the fold. She failed to meet that basic obligation spectacularly.
Oh go fuck yourself. Repeatedly and preferably with something large and sharp.
Its the arrogance of little creeps like yourself, who spent the majority of the campaign whining about Bernie and not getting your magical unicorns that caused this. You wanted reasons? I gave you dozens of reasons on multiple occasions on this very forum. Including the most progressive platform the Democratic Party has ever run on.
But see, it wasn’t about reasons for you. It was about your inability to accept that your MAN lost to a woman. That somehow that apparently made you feel your already tiny manhood was going to shrink even smaller ( I guess retreat entirely into your body). So you spent the rest of the campaign bitching and moaning about “her”.
If I haven’t made myself clear, I have no patience for you little anarchists twits who offer nothing constructive to the conversation, can’t be bothered to lift a finger to prevent disaster and then want to sit smugly by and sneer.
So in all seriousness. Go Fuck Yourself. Preferably with something large and sharp. Repeatedly.
If someone has a gun to my head I’ll not criticize the precise nature of the message the person imploring everyone to come to my rescue is yelling out. That they see the danger and know I need immediate help will suffice.
Hillary broadcast it for all to hear that Trump was manifestly unfit for office. Failing to recognize the obvious and choose her as an alternative ranks as weak tea when seeking to indict her campaign methods and messaging.
The Bernie supporters Secretary Clinton nothing. But they do owe something to themselves, their families, their children, and their country. Now, if the Bernie supporters who didn’t vote for Clinton still think there is no difference between Clinton and Trump, they have no reason to regret their decision.
Obamacare was developed over a year, with dozens of hearings and opportunities for Republicans to have input. Obama even had a special hand-holding session for Republicans distraught at the thought of people not dying in the ditch. And this they called ‘ramming Obamacare down our throats’.
But now we have the nice, sensitive, calm measured conservative talking about passing a law at warp speed?
Aside from the obvious impracticality, which is of course irrelevant to the party of chaos, it would get some pushback from Republicans whose constituents gained health care because of Obamacare. Trump says he wants to keep certain pieces, but nobody seems to have gotten through to him that these pieces are not independent, and that it takes work to make them into a coherent whole. He is going to whip up the passions of the base in a way he may not be able to deliver.
And while he’s on a roll - since his minions elected him to run government the way a ‘big business’ is run - he can go ahead and raid the government retirement system to fund his wall and other pet projects that will enrich the coffers of Republican run companies. Although I think Trump will be quite surprised and pissed off when he finds out that he doesn’t get to skim 10% off for himself.