Discussion: Conway Thinks Dems Look 'Ridiculous' For Still Going On About Mueller Report

Hmmm… why not ask her about how things looked when her cronies kept on investigating Benghazi, and which investigation is of greater import: the Secretary of State,or the President?


Nope. Nice try though.

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And speaking of looking ridiculous, Kellyanne…


If only Mueller in his not making a conclusion on obstruction suggested it’s for congress to take up that task. And Mueller calling out Barr. They know Mueller would explain exactly why congress shoukd continue the investigation. Not that The Base gives a damn, Dear Leader can do no wrong. And the con amps it up to 11.

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She looks like she swallowed some Uranium One - let’s investigate her.


Who is she again?

I would be blissfully unaware of anything said on Fox News if it weren’t for TPM. As a subscriber I really wish you guys would stop with these kind of articles. Nothing they’re saying is new or relevant. We have their number and don’t need to be subjected to seeing them everyday.

Assuming for a moment that Kellyanne ConJob is not just dissembling (she’s a lying sack of shit, but bear with me and let’s assume for a moment that she’s not), Repubes are still going on about the Clintons and the Rose Law Firm and Whitewater and the Starr Report. If Democrats look ridiculous for wanting details regarding an investigation report that came about a month ago, how do Repubs look for going on about a bunch of nothingburgers from the early 90s?

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Something is off on their messaging. They had to scrape the barrel again.


Shorter Conway: Damn! Our plan of having Barr lie about Muelker’s conclusions has not worked as well as we hoped. Guess I’ll try the conman’s game of trying to embarrass the victim.


Nobody cares what Conway thinks, not even her husband!


And he’s still a baby. The biggest.

And might I add that Conway looks ridiculous anytime she opens her mouth and spews lies?

Her flying monkeys must be on break because they’re not in the picture.


If she can’t take the heat, she should stay out of the Russian Mafia war room.

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And Kellyanne is an expert on the “ridiculous.” She lives it everyday.

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I think she also wants to keep the press spotlight off of Bolton’s war moves in both South America and the Middle East, Trump’s failing trade war with China and that letter by hundreds of past federal prosecutors saying Donald would be indicted today if he wasn’t hiding behind the presidency.

It’s like the storm clouds are increasingly around Trump from all sides. His people are trying desperately to keep him from having to face the reality of his own upcoming demise.

The more Trump relies on Putin to bail him out of his present problems, the more pressure will be put on the GOP in the upcoming election. The Russian government is now the biggest influence on the entire Republican Party… not conservative fiscal responsibility, the Christian Right or immigration concerns. Local Republican candidates will have to take the brunt of these Russian questions. We haven’t seen such a question of national loyalty since German immigrants were dogged about their allegiance to their new country during WW I.


I wonder what George is thinking about her comments.

How is it possible that this primitive and wizened old bot is still infecting our media?

So sayeth the Sage of Bowling Green.

KACy looks silly saying anything…