How much does she get paid to talk to the choir
Repeating Trump’s argument that the special counsel shouldn’t testify, Conway said that Mueller’s report was “definitive and conclusive.”
Conway went on to say that tRump was the Royal Baby of his day.
Man, this narrative never stood a chance
Meaning that they are horrified at Mueller talking.
If definitive and conclusive they show us the whole thing and maybe then we can move on.
Few things piss me off more than a smug look on a shameless liar’s face.
What’s ridiculous is thinking a 1990s Mean Girl act still in vogue.
Look who is defining 'Ridiculous".
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.
“Investigating the investigators”
I see Fox News got it’s talking point straight from the White House. When are we going to investigate Trump/Fox collusion?
Conway looks ridiculous still defending someone who’s indefensible.
Picture Caption: “Lying Sack of Shit interviewed by Shit Sandwich.”
It ain’t over until the fat President resigns.
It must taste like her husband is kissing a toilet, assuming they even sleep in the same bed anymore.
I find this woman and her bald-faced lies revolting. Funny how she only seems to appear on Fox “News.”
When faced with top officials’ corruption, Russians adopt a rather interesting attitude. Although they agree to identify it as public enemy number one, they don’t show any specific class-consciousness. Our respondents, people to whom bribes would never be offered, hold the belief that “corruption is inherent” to the upper layers of society.
Maybe the US is more like Russia than we would care to admit?
“Meth-Binge Barbie” opines on the House pursuing the findings of the Mueller report “looking ridiculous”
The irony of this so vivid one wonders how anyone over there keeps a straight face.
Shame, hypocrisy, and moral responsibility have died in their language, anachronisms in this psychotically authoritarian cesspool of a presidency.
Benghazi emails are, thankfully, forever.
This from someone who lies everyday for a criminal who looks ridiculous lying every day, so…