Discussion: Conway Refuses To Address Trump Calling Out Reporter At Rally (VIDEO)

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Why does this woman have absolutely zero self-esteem? Must be career related…


No way. I’m convinced she is not in this for the money. She is a dangerous fanatic. Madame DaFarge was a moderate compared to Kellyane.


Kellyanne or Mika?


Kellyanne, as I’ve never watched Mika or Morning Blow, but you may be correct with a “both” answer.


Only 5 more days of having to listen to this woman spin her web of lies, distortions, misdirection, and false equivalencies and then she, hopefully, slinks back into obscurity. Such an awful human being.


I think she’s two mints in one, a fanatic and a money-grubber, but what interests me is she’s a kind of ambassador to the world of rational decency. What she has to defend is indefensible, so she either makes it about herself–“Wolf, personally I wouldn’t kill a cow with an ax on stage and drink its blood. I disagree with that”–or she just resorts to meaningless noise like this. The boss gets his crowd howling with hate for a young woman who doesn’t weigh 100 pounds and has had to be walked out through the near-riot by Secret Service agents. There’s effectively no power on heaven or earth that controls him. So she says blah blah people are mean to me too and I talked to NBC and oh look a squirrel. Now Baghdad Bob works for us. Five days.


Goebbels’ daughter.


You know, I thought there was nobody whose face I would rather see less than old Katrina the shoplifting bimbo.

But then Kellyanne came along. Now it’s a toss up.

(BTW, I see the bags under her eyes are turning into footlockers. Perhaps lying for a living does come with a cost…doesn’t look like she’s sleeping nights.)


Just think, if Trump wins then in a few months they won’t be escorting unfavorable reporters, they’ll be frog marching them.


She looks super-stressed in ways that express themselves physically. I saw a picture where it looked like her hair was extremely thin and stringy, like it was all about to fall out. She’s only 50 but looks 20 years older at this point. You can’t work for people like Trump and not pay a heavy price.


In response, Conway began complaining that “the media” wants Clinton to win and that Americans don’t want to be told how to think or act. When asked how that connected to Tur, Conway said it didn’t.

and yet she didn’t have a problem addressing this…

five more days

Either this country will get a timeline that has a chance for some progressive movement to occur or the next sound that will be heard is Japan working on a bomb.


Yeah I wonder if those women who lack healthcare and live in poverty have anything to do with their state’s government refusing to expand Medicaid, reducing the number and amount of assistance to families in need (but in Republicanworld a family only consists of a daddy, mommy and child), and being told over and over again you can’t control your body so go ahead and have that baby and then presto whamo you’ve now become a whore and a welfare queen.

Conway Refuses To Address Trump Calling Out Reporter At Rally

Trump calling out Trump’s calling out


No real idea.

Until a Democrat proposed it, the ACA was originally ‘Romneycare’.

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I amazed at the deference shown this professional propagandist. She weaponizes her ur-femininity and demands a kind of weird chivalry be extended towards her. Her republican bleached blond hair, frozen smile saccharine voice and false politeness is her armor. It allows her to spin out her non-stop barrage of absolutely toxic, vile verbiage without significant challenge. She uses the same seduction playbook as Ivanka and Ann Coulter (without the overt bomb-throwing) – no wonder Trump hired her – to go after another woman.


Nah, Waiting for that lucrative "Press Secretary " position in the Trump administration .
She took weasel 101 from Ari Fliecher


she later added that no one has more respect for women than Cheeto Donnie and there is NO Republican war on women…

she offered herself as evidence as the surrogate most often called on to walk back Cheeto Donnie’s comments in a nurturing maternal way…


She also tweeted this morning about how the media is worse than Russia…cause, you know…2016


Hey, you know how they keep on saying Trump is an “alpha” male?
Speaking of Russia, do you think we misheard “Alfa” male?
A little in your face cheekiness from the Putin gang.