“Heathers” Meets Hitler’s Bunker.
I feel bad for the folks who went to school with this woman. It must have been insufferable.
“Why are there dinosaurs and no Jesus in my biology book?”
“2 + 2 has to be 5”
Just can’t shake that middle-school mindset, can ya, Kac?
Conway knows nothing about being cute or popular.
I would point out the irony here of her calling out leakers but then again this woman savagely attacked Trump when she shilled for Cruz, so it would be lost on her.
I wish they’d hired a more talented interpreter to translate her comments from the original Russian version
Well, have you seen them? Can you blame them? As fugly as KAC is, can you imagine what her shadow looks like?
I’m working on a theory, unencumbered as I am by any deep knowledge, that it isn’t just losing his base that could trigger a move by the establishment to impeach or otherwise remove Trump. It could also be a steep rise in the level of panic he’s causing sensible people. There was a pretty hard core that Nixon never did lose. Trump could cause catastrophic damage to the GOP and country long before he loses his base. So we watch and wait.
Poor Kellyanne. No-one thinks she’s cute.
Point taken, Mea Culpa
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that everyone isn’t actually out to get you.
Define SKANK, a sleazy or unpleasant person.
What does a SKANK look like?
ANYONE who would attach themselves to like of Donald Trump is lacking in good character…
When you lay down with dogs with fleas, you get fleas.
BIRDS of feather flock together.
Kelly you are a disgusting lowlife you will not SURVIVE WITH UN SCATHED.
Mark my words. These few months to year will follow you for the rest of your life. We will survive, our country will survive you and yours in good order stronger than before…BUT YOU WON’T B.
Cause the leakers gonna leak, leak, leak, leak, leak
And they want to be liked, liked, liked, liked, liked
Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
The Mooch is gonna shiv, shiv, shiv, shiv, shiv
And push it in the ribs, ribs, ribs, ribs, ribs
Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
With apologies to Taylor Swift
Her children will haunt her, guaranteed.
How can someone be popular if s/he does whatever is supposed to make him/her popular in secret?
a) KAC and “cute” never intersect
b) “eventually procurable” was the mini head on KAC’s old Village Voice personals ad
c) Spicy tell-all title, “the press to shiv”
I will say for me, I’m the jerk who hired a chief of staff
Why is this meth head attacking Trump’s lawyer and Scaeamucci like this?
Zombie left-overs…
Conway Rails Against Leakers Who Think ‘It’s Cute And It Makes Them Popular’
Popular with whom? There are serious penalties associated with unauthorized disclosures of classified info (unless you are President). People don’t leak documents and then announce that they’ve leaked to improve popularity. More nonsense from KAC.