‘bigger man’------CACon is satisfied with so little…
Hey #alternativefacts is trending…
Fun fact: Its not even spring training yet and both Spicer and Conway are giving new meaning to ‘pitchers and catchers’.
2019 (hopefully)
They are going to piss off the wrong people
She described Trump as a “counter-puncher,” and said he has the right to "defend himself and clear the record."
Unfortunately he lies over the simplest things and those lies have to be fact checked.
“But at the same time, he swallows a great deal and looks the other way,” Conway said. "And I just think we should give him a chance."
Some things you just step carefully around the chalk outline.
If Trump cared about the country he would have acknowledged the women’s march yesterday and said he hears them and plans on meeting with women’s groups and working with them. Instead he insults the Americans who came out to march to give voice to their fears of what a Trump presidency will be. Instead Trump cares only about Trump which he showed by complaining about the reporting of crowd size at his inauguration, and lied about his issues with the CIA. Trump would have done better to show some humility and maybe thought about the country first instead as he always does, himself before country. Sometimes you have to wonder if there is something wrong with Trump’s brain. Maybe he has Alzheimer’s, or something worse. I just hope he really is not the person he continues to show us. That person is insane.
Hes the leader of the free f-ing world and yes we do expect a leader NOT a cowardly counter puncher…
Wait, so now I’m confused. Is he a swallower or a dodger?
Top Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway said in a Sunday interview that people expect the President “always to be the bigger man.”
Aaaaaand, so far they’ve been disappointed every time.
The Big American List of the Wrong People to Piss Off:
- The MSM–check
- Women–check
- Wall Street–TBD
- Congress–In process
- The federal judiciary–in process, almost complete
- The Koch-aligned anti-government Birchers and anti-tax activists.
- Old people–in process
- Your own creditors–TBD
- The people who prepare your food–in process
- Comedians–check
- The CIA–check
- The NSA–check
- The FBI–in process
- The IRS–in process
And it’s only Day Three.
I think I’d put this one into the “check” category. Almost no banks will touch a Trump Organization project, and only the most inattentive of contractors will do business with them (witness the Trump Hotel mechanics’ liens - what did they expect?).
Counterpuncher? Oh so that’s what he was doing during the debate when HRC called him out as Putin’s puppet and he interjected “no, you’re the puppet”.
Protip: below the belt punches only work against boxers with male genetalia
I’m sure we will soon hear that that’s just protocol, though, not a legal obligation.
Well, yeah, KellyAnne - the person with the most power in a situation is supposed to be the most gracious, and is the one who is held most responsible when shit hits the fan. This is a basic norm of social discourse that your orange boss had better learn quickly if he wants the criticism to slow down. It will never stop, but it may slow down if he takes steps to make it happen. We, the people, are not responsible for soothing our president’s hurt fee-fees.
getting attacked is part of the job, didn’t you know that going in? As you were one of the principal attackers for the last 35 years?
KAC, how do you fucking sleep you souless whore?
KAC will probably be smiling when we execute her for treason
Sorry to be the one to break the bad news, but, what we’ve been seeing all along is what he is. He is never going to get any better than he is now.
How in the world can anyone expect to see someone other than the same person we’ve seen all along?
Anybody waiting for that pivot is going to be waiting one hell of a long time. He is what you see; he is what he tweets.
I hope they start getting nervous if they aren’t already. The women of the world have their knitting out and I hear the hammers where they are building the guillotines.