Saw this one last night.
I think it’s been well-established that Smellyanne will say whatever people pay her to say. People like that exist. It’s not what I think being a good citizen is about, but it is a living for some.
it is the rare TPM commenter who can correct mattinpa - but you are right on this one
Oh, but actually calling someone out on anything* is a violation of the sacred oath to not be “part of the story” because that’s the most important thing ever.
[size=10]*except attacking the press[/size]
You know, I remember when Obama was president - remember those lost days of competency and sanity? - and despite the thousands - and I mean literally THOUSANDS! - of lies and insults hurled at him at all times, he never took to Twitter or any other medium to bitch and moan and whine about how badly he was being treated, which shows what pussies Donald Trump and his minions really are.
If anyone had a right to shoot someone on 5th Avenue in New York, it was Barack Obama. Preferably Mitch McConnell, that closeted little bitch.
With apologies to Iva Toguri D’Aquino.
As I noted elsewhere, it gives a loud and clear signal to people like KAC to keep up their bullshit, because there will be no negative consequences once they leave office. Hell, they will be celebrated.
If you cannot stand the heat, Kellyanne, just stay the hell out of the kitchen. You boss, the Liar in Chief, deserves every insult he got and more.
Oh, he’ll tweet about Baldwin darling! You can bank on that.
She is aging badly. Like VERY badly. All that lyin’ takes a toll, doll!
…and it’s gotta REALLY kill Trump and the rest of the RW Flying Monkeys that Jane Fonda, poster girl of everything they hate, right up there with Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton, looks 100 time better than his skanky daughter Ivankadonk.
And Ms. Fonda still probably only had about 1% of the plastic surgery procedures that the TrumpSpawn has had.
Go even further back to the Trump tweets from 2009-10. “Hillary great pick for Secretary of State” “Obama came into tough situation but doing a good job”…,etc.
Yeah, let’s get Hollywood out of politics- starting with Trump.
“Our leader?” He might be YOUR leader, Ms. Conway. It must have escaped you that the rest of us aren’t paid by him and don’t answer to him-- rather the reverse.
She should have called him “dear leader” now that fits.
Not even a gif featuring a birther being hit by a golf ball.
Does she not realize how many people hates trump?
Shut up Kellyanne. This is American where insulting the president is a grand and ancient tradition.