Discussion: Conway Counters Trump: 'I Don't Believe Journalists Are The Enemy Of The People'

So, this is where we’re at.

A spox for the Prez is lauded for stating the press is not the enemy of the people.



This is what annoys me as well. It’s not enough that she (or other minions) spout “that’s not what I believe” - they work for the guy who does believe that the press is the enemy of the people, and they’re complicit with that. Unfortunately, we have a significant segment of the “press” that is focused not on actual news but on entertainment, and they’re just never gonna give Trump up, never gonna let him down, never gonna run around and desert him". It’s infuriating.

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She also has a PhD in Pounding hateful Deceit.


Who are talking more about their own egos than doing every man interviews.”


there’s more examples


she was in a similar spot in 2017.

“As somebody who doesn’t say ‘fake news’ or ‘enemy of the people’ or ‘opposition party,’ my grievance is the incomplete coverage,” she said on Fox News radio last week.

now she wouldn’t let the Cuomo interview end until she won, but…ratings.


The rats are lining up at the sinking stinking USS Trump already getting out ahead of it before jumping ship hoping to save their sorry patooties by still having both sides of the story remain in play, while subtly admitting they suddenly recognize that “shazamm” there actually is another side.

What the great Lily Tomlin had to say about rats:

“You know what’s wrong with the rat race? Even if you win, you’re still a rat.”



NEW YORK (AP) — Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kellyanne Conway pitch an animated political analysis show to FOX News.


+10 for the phrase “tone poem”…great description.

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I sense a shifting of the tides. A somewhat softer, more pleasant look from KAC and a bit of distancing herself from the Orange Volcano. She’s attempting to remake her public image. Some might call it an Alternative Image.

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He he … wonders what she’d say if they really did focus in on what the Heritage Foundation and think tanks are doing behind all the distraction —

— environment
— education
— treasury
— health care
— judges
— etc. …etc. … –


The MSM still doesn’t get it! They are STILL having known liars and fascists from the Ceausescu, er I mean Trump administration on to use their platform and spread gibberish to the nation!

There are NO SMART, patriotic Americans who give a FLYING FUCK what Kellyanne Conway thinks about ANYTHING!


If there was any ‘counter’ to Trump in Conway’s word salad I sure didn’t see it. In fact, the only thing that was reasonably clear in the portion of the interview I could tolerate watching before vomiting in my mouth was Conway in fact does ‘believe’ that “Journalists Are The Enemy Of The People” might be a valid statement in the right (ahem) circumstances.


Of all the Sunday news shows, I like “Face the Nation” the best, but I couldn’t make it through more than a few minutes of this lying hag’s bloviation. Why is this known liar still allowed on television? The mind, she boggles.


Gee wiz
now how in the hell am I going to figure out who gets the trophy.
So many candidates and as the hours go by, the decision changes to who gets it because they never learn to just shut up instead of spreading bullshit.
Kelly # 1 at the moment with a whole bunch running a close second.
Decisions. lol