instead of draining the swamp, they replaced the alligators with Godzillas
Hey… Mr. twitterrhea …
And this is why we need to tie him to every single Republican in office, no quarter given.
And every scum who voted for him. No redemption for them even if they claim it from Jesus.
Don’t forget the cholera.
When he is flying over the island, his security detail should just push him out the door. Whoops.
Original artwork removed by author.
Or go “retro” and book a 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible for the motorcade
Reports that zika, dengue and conjunctivitis are being seen in increasing numbers. Cholera is next. Is it any wonder why Mayor Yullen Cruz was so emphatic in her pleas?
You know, I swear I can hear him saying that in my head!
maybe it’s just me…
“Results of recovery efforts will speak much louder than complaints by San Juan Mayor.”
OMG! Joy Reid was correct. Elected officials (black and brown, according to Joy) have to suck up to Trump to get
disaster relief!
Drain the swamp! Because there are some repellent, noxious animals in the WH
He knows he fucked up, and now he’s trying to hide behind other people and make the Mayor of San Juan the new target for the RW machine. She doesn’t care.
The military will eventually be able to stop the bleeding, but the damage has been done to the most vulnerable residents of PR and to his Presidency. He took a situation where he really didn’t have to do much to look good, and he made himself look terrible.
I also think that Trump has backed himself into a corner where he has to give PR the ‘red state’ treatment and approve aid with no strings attached.
So, I’ll put you down in the tired of winning column then?
Maybe that’s the plan for 2018…wear us down. I’m certainly feeling exhausted.
" Everything out there will either bite ya …stab ya … or stick ya !"
(John Wayne…-- True Grit)
It is draining.
You can count me as a yes I’m tired of winning.
Trump you should really shut up! We all know your administration has bungled the recovery efforts in storm torn Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands!
You’re no good! PERIOD!
Another weekend full of deflection, diversion, distraction – zero empathy for those who are suffering. This man’s ignorance, provincialism, racism know no bounds. I gather he believes in that tiny, cramped, fetid box that is his brain that Americans of Latino origin are shiftless n’er do wells. If he believes anything at all for more than a moment or two. He’s a straight up asshole. Always looking for a scapegoat, always looking to save his hide while he pats himself on the back. Deplorable.
That’s what’s always been frightening about the “deeply religious” for me (not just xtians)…that willingness to use any tool at their disposal, tell any lie, to further what they see as the ‘one true way’.
Any means to an end for them. Morals are ‘flexible’ y’know!
I admit, I also have some very dark thoughts when it comes to trump.