Discussion: Conservatives' Special Revisionist Math: Trump Won Popular Vote If You Nix CA!

Sure, but you can’t put a price on access. Wink wink nod nod. (Bullshit. Of course you can! Just see what a random family member is up to.)

Hillary won the election if you don’t count Pa., Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Hail to the chief!


Sigh. Have you learned nothing from Trump? Borrow $12k from him, then you have him over a barrel. He’ll desperately need to pay $2k to his lender at some point, so you can probably settle your $12k debt with him for $2.4k


Makes sense to me.

Good. Perhaps California should just secede and use China for defense as well as continued economic boom times. Oh, and Trump doesn’t like Boeing? How about the entire west coast seceding?

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Blue states should seriously consider leaving the union. They can establish their own health care systems, service local needs and many other matters, then they won’t have to be under Trump’s sickness.

It’s second American Revolution time, and I’m dead serious.

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Oh the premature ejaculations strong on this one… Too all of um who want to rub it in folks faces…lets see where the countries at in 2 to 3 years…and who theyll try to blame…

What fatuous twaddle.

Secession is not allowed under the US Constitution.
The issue was settled definitively in 1865.

Lefties who call for it sound just like the Tea Partiers who called for it—useful idiots one and all.

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Then you should stay in the union if you want.

The rest of us will have to live without you.

I fear delusional sophistry is going to define the Trump Administration…for as long as it lasts.

Bottom line: Trump lost the election but won the vote in the Electoral College.

Two years from now there will be no Electoral College to save him and the Republicans.

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Actually, in Quebec they call that artificially flavored junk “sirop de poteau” (or in English, “syrup of telephone pole”) - they obviously don’t think much of the crap that comes from their southern neighbors…

Invade Canada if we have to!

Errrr, I’d be careful there - last time the U.S. tried that, the Canucks thrashed the invading army and then burned down the White House. Oh, and the time before that they pretty much kicked butt at the battle of Quebec City. Just sayin’, we should probably not stir them up, or we’re liable to all end up bilingual, with effective single payer health care and having to learn the metric system. Oh, the Humanité!


Unless you move to another country, we will all be staying int eh union, because secession is not allowed under any circumstance.

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We should build a wall…


AND, if my grandma had wheels she’d be a wagon.

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This is so perfect, it’s unpresidented!

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Due to the mercy of nature brain tissue has no pain receptors, otherwise the modern GOP would not be possible,

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Any body ever been introduced as the donalds friend, is there a list somewhere, and no business partners don’t count.


We’ll be taking Hawaii with us.

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California has gotten significant national/international influence out of state actions like its auto emission standards. Blue states need to find every possible way to leverage their power like that. They may have more power than they realize.