Discussion: Conservatives Just Forgot Nearly 150 Years Of History With Cuba

Discussion for article #231361

Of course they’re tunnel-visioned about the Cold War communist era: they’ve been trying to recapture that mindset and spread it from coast to coast ever since Saint Reagan single-handedly saved the universe from communism and brought down the USSR by making a speech in Germany. A populace afflicted with that mentality favors conservative policies and ideology greatly and they’ve been in a desperate search for a replacement bogeyman ever since.


Much like with religion, Conservatives pick and choose the parts they like, and pretend the rest is bullshit or never happened.


My sense is, the Cubans of FL have been a powerful and regular ally of the GOP (and some Democrats) for many years. This alliance has kept the embargo in place, but its foundation has been electoral politics. No Cuba in exchange for your financial and electoral support.

So Rubio (and Menendez, perhaps) is going back to the same well and hoping for the same electoral magic. But I think the electorate has moved on, and the old black magic won’t work anymore.


Some of it has, but some of it hasn’t. The question is whether the supporters of this move or the opponents will be more motivated to vote as a result. Even if 60% of the Cuban-American community supports it, if most of that 60% don’t vote for the Democrat, it won’t matter.


I loved Rubio comparing Obama’s negotiating skills to Carter’s, as if it was an insult.

I sincerely doubt Rubio (or any of the other current crop of moronic Republicans) will ever be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.


It is the perfect way to rebuke Putin. He who hoped to rebuild Kruschev’s CCCP, who now can’t keep his currency from plummeting like a stone. Now is the perfect time for Obama to turn to Cuba and offer a warm western hemisphere embrace… along with tourist dollars to replace the rubles.

It is impeccable timing and brilliant chess.


EvERythING you LIBTARDS NEED to KNOW about COMMIE cORRUPTion and THE EVILS of CastrO can BE fOUND in GODFAther II arOUND the TIME that MICHAEL KissES FRedo afTHER THE DONKEY Sex sHOW. THE Rest IS JUSt LIBTard LIES or didn"T happen!!!1!one!1!!111!!!


Conservatives conserving history, go figure.

I know what they can remember, envy, they feel it everyday for what Obama is accomplishing.

And btw, one word to conservatives regarding Cuba, Guantanamo.


I don’t really think folks understand just how deep the ties are between the US and Cuba. I suspect that handled correctly future ties will really help both the American and Cuban people a lot. Cubans are educated, hardworking and creative. They have some of the best beaches in the world. The potential for tourism alone makes the easing of the embargo a win win for both nations.

The one thing that American business can’t count on is the Cuban people being little more than cheap labor. They are educated and hardworking. They will expect to be appropriately paid.

But by the 1950s, he [Batista] had evolved into a strident anti-Communist with deep ties to U.S. corporate interests on the island.

That’s the first time I’ve ever heard the Mafia referred to as “U.S. corporate interests”.


Well, to the GOP, the Mafia is “US corporate interests.”

It’s also their role model for organization and the best way to keep everyone in line.


Some of the best surfing in the world.

Still, I think Rubio fantasized about headlines like “President Rubio opens relations with Cuba”. And now he never can.


He still has a shot at “Castro Cracks Rubio Joke at Dinner With Obama”


Well, I’ve often heard US corporate interests referred to as the Mafia (I’ve even heard the GOP referred to as the Mafia), but never the other way around.


I could make some clever comment like, “Conservatives haven’t forgotten the history, they’ve never know it,” but that might suggest that they would care if they did.


Associate Professor Railton, like President Obama, takes the long view and weighs history against present circumstances. Marco Rubio, much like many conservative Republicans, tries to stir emotionalism in a desperate attempt to score short term political points for a White House run. Rubio will fail.

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Sorry, Ewww. Cuba hasn’t gotten money from Moscow since the fall of the Soviet Union. They were getting Bolivars from Venezuela and Euros from tourists but have been struggling the last generation.


You might google “speaking figuratively” when you have have some time off from being a pedant.