Discussion: Conservatives Dance On Grave Of ISIL Hostage: '<a href="http://www.debbieschlussel.com/77161/kayla-mueller-dead-isis-hostage-was-jew-hating-anti-israel-bitch/">Jew-Hating, Anti-Israel Bitch</a>'

OMG. I am astounded that even these lowlife would gothere


Is there any evidence the Palestinian autonomy movement is pro ISIS? Is there a mutually included antisemitism in being anti-Israel?

This girl did not identify with or support ISIS or Islamist terror.

But watch these guys and the media. An American was killed and they praise that. She was killed by ISIS ( almost certainly ) and they praise that. You would think that would prompt at least the same level of outrage as Obama’s Crusades remarks. But it won’t. The ‘Liberal media’ does not work that way.


I am constantly astounded every day when I read the news how many more lunatics have been released from the asylum…


KaYla MUELLer caRRIED out ATROCIITEs IN ISRAEL like POsTer CHILd ISM ANTI-semiTE Terrorist raCHAEL corRRIE WHO LITErrallY RAPed ISRaeli bullDOzers. KAYLa LiterALLY raPES ISrael by minISTerING to the PALAstiNIAN HAMAs terrORIsts BY SHAKIng HER FIST AT IDF SAINTs BY aSKING to BE Tear GASSED and perSONaLLY deliverING TERROR MIssiles TO HAMAs and HEzbollaH PALestinians. Hitler!1!11!!!one!1!!!


I rest my case.

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Well, they are horrible, horrible people.

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There is no hole deep enough where these Islamophobic Christians and Jews can sink to.

Their moral depravity is limitless.


damn, had completely forgotten about schlussel… she’s completely batshit insane. and, good grief, woman – blue eye shadow?


Amazing how far a “conservative” has to go to out-evil the competition. I can hardly wait for the blog celebrating the murders of Muslims in Chapel Hill. Schlussel (and her commenters) have gone over to the darkest precincts of ugliness.


Look, if you can’t say that directly to the parents, face to face, without breaking a sweat, then it doesn’t count.


All right. Now they really have jumped the shark. Can the rest of us get on with our lives, our morality and our ethics in keeping with a civilized society?


Oh, they’re eyeing Obama’s every move. If he says anything about it, it will somehow prove to them he cares only about Muslims.


You are pretty certain for something you have zero evidence for. Wouldn’t you think that it was the Syrian planes delivering American bombs that killed her? You know, because that is what the little evidence we have points to.

Sure you are not an American journalist? jk

Please? Don’t.



Was it an African-- or European swallow?


Poor Debbie. Once again she desperately seeks the limelight of the right by trying to be more vile than Coulter. I almost feel sorry for someone so desperate for clicks as to completely debase themselves.


For the life of me I can’t figure out how these cretins equate trying to save someone’s house from being bull dozed to anti-Semitism but I’m pretty sure US Jews wish they would stop.


I don’t disagree. But in the past, many newspapers were unabashedly partisan - hence names like the “Press Democrat” and the Arizona Republican [now the Arizona Republic]. The Santa Ana [now Orange County (CA)] Register was unabashedly conservative and anti-Union, hence their motto (at least when I was growing up there in the 60s and early 70’s) ‘Industrial Freedom’.

But at least people knew what they were getting. And that was good. Here in Arizona, you had the conservative Arizona Republic and the more liberal Tucson Daily Star. Some conservative residents used to call it the “Tucson ‘Red’ Star”. This paper was purchased by Pulitzer; Lee Enterprises bought Pulitzer in 2005 and it became the Arizona Daily Star. After the Lee Enterprise purchase, with its new attempt at statewide identity, the paper lost its liberal appeal [it used to run Paul Krugman - no longer] and became a bland, inconsequential pseudo-centrist “rag” replete with bad grammar and syntax.

So, for me, the real tragedy of American journalism has been it’s descent into blandness and banality and away from advocacy that might alienate certain circles of potential readers [listeners?], which in turn might affect profits.


A) Being anti-Israeli-government-policy is not being anti-semitic.
B) Being willing to risk your life for what you believe in is not a concern for most bloggers.
C) See A and B.


The absolute hypocrisy and inhumanity these two display would be surprising, if it didn’t come from two of the most loathsome characters posting on the Internet today. Instead of commiserating with this woman’s family, they choose character assassination and name-calling. It’s just so typical of RWNJs and I am sick of it. It’s past time we call out these ghouls and shame them for their behavior.