Discussion: Conservatives Co-Opt The 'Don't Name the Shooter' Cause

Discussion for article #241407

“Don’t Name the Shooter’ …”

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a long, long time and I’ve been on this planet more decades than most.

Yean! Dat’s it! Dat’s da ticket! Don’t name da name! Dat’ll show 'em. Dat’ll stop dese shootin’s!

We humans are a pathetic lot.


Kill a bunch of people with easily available guns–no names please!

Have a baby out of wedlock–slut shaming!

Today’s modern GOP, brought to you by thorazine.


Wonder if the same standard will apply if the shooter’s name is Achmed or Mohammed? Or if it happens to be a Pedro who overstayed his visa?

I’m pretty certain we’ll be getting all of the info on those shooters.


The point of naming the shooter, and giving information on them, is to shine light on the motivations that drove the incident. If it’s random insanity, then sure keep it under a blanket. But if the cause is terrorist, foreign or homegrown, then people should know because that can lead to an informed response. In this case, it just might be that this person was part of the anti-government fringe that seems to bubble beneath the surface out there in the Pacific Northwest. I’d bet that is why the usual conservative suspects are throwing a blanket on it.


The Illegal immigrant who killed that woman at the pier was telling the truth. It was most likely an accidental shooting: http://abc7news.com/politics/expert-pier-14-homicide-may-have-been-accident-/959901/

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People have a right to ALL information.


How many folks can name past mass murderers of say sandy hook or columbine? I can remember the place names but not the people that did it.


They’re just throwing us a bone. Whenever the pressure to actually DO something mounts, they make some gesture that buys them time to ride out the storm. “Nine murdered in Charleston? Okay we’ll take down the Confederate flag. Nine murdered in Oregon? We won’t utter his name. There, see? We did something courageous.”


I really wish we could stop giving them guns.


They shouldn’t be named. It’s what they want deep inside, and it creates heroes among the Future Mass Murderers of America. This will reduce instances, though not as much as several common sense measures advocated by e.g. Hillary.

It doesn’t matter if the right came up with this, not even if this odious ninny sheriff cheered it. No tomb for Hitler or Bin Laden either, only that’s not enough nowadays.


Why not both?

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They are not saying such information should not be available. Just not constantly plastering their photos and names all over the headlines and news.


I can name some of them, but this isn’t about you and me. These homicidal lunatics study them like sports heroes.

Both good ideas. Get involved with Dems on this.

And they would quit doing that if they didn’t know the names? It will be interesting to see if he had a lot of stuff about past mass murders amongst his stuff. I think a lot of these folks are fucked in the head and may study other previous events but a lot would do this regardless if the voices in their head tell them.

I say this based on shit my wife did postpartum. She didn’t study other postpartum mothers. Her shit came straight from the hormonally unbalanced mess her brain was after giving birth. Was it similar to other postpartum actions? Yea, but luckily close but caught in time.

And I’ll add that I believe that these folks have almost no control over this, just like some people get cancer or MS or crohn’s or high blood pressure etc, and other folks don’t. A lot of it is just the luck of the hereditary draw.

If you close your eyes real tight and stick your fingers deep into your ears, you can believe it never happened!


Can you explain the sourcing for that “right”?

Yep dehumanize these mass killings, 'cause people don’t kill people, guns do. No, what? Or is the mantra backwards, shit, BENGHAZI, GUNS, ABORTION, BORDER FENCE!

I bet it doesn’t have a thing to do with the shooters claim to be conservative!!