Discussion: Conservative Senator: Gay Marriage Will Become Law Of The Land

Open your Hatch, Orrin. The Marriage of the Gays is gonna be rammed down your throat.

Try not to gag.

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Not so much a grammatical error as it is an editing error – I’m sure the author’s intent was to include “were married” between “couples” and “until”. Things like that happen when your brain is moving faster than your fingers.

"Hatch said people who can’t see what’s happening aren’t living in the real world. "

Exactly what we have been saying for decades now about YOU and the rest of your sick-minded GØPers.

So he finally gets it?? Will he be so kind as to tell his other GØP comrads?

Thank you for pointing that out; I was going to do it if nobody else already had. He’s blaming the judge for the incompetence of the state’s attorneys.

This shall be the Orrin Hatch I Was Out Of My Mind When I Made That Statement Or I Was Totally Misquoted By The Lib’rul, Mainstream Media Act (hereinafter known as The Act or The I Was Misquoted Act). ;

  1. Immediately after any right wingnut politician in the Senate or House of Representatives of the US of Cowpatty shall make any statement that might have just the most infinitesimal grain of intelligence in it, pursuant to the terms of this The Act, when Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Shaun Hannity or any other remotely or obviously insane right wingnut shall criticize what any Senator or Congressperson of the Congress of the US of Cowpatty have said on any subject, the aforesaid politician shall have the right to immediately employ, at the expense of the taxpayers of the US of Cowpatty, ten (10) correcting persons to make the rounds of all the wingnut media of whatever type to apologize and/or claim to have been misquoted by the lib’rul, mainstream media.

  2. This Act shall be incorporated into and made part thereof The Orrin Hatch Non-apology Apology Act, as amended, as previously adopted by the Congress of the US of Cowpatty. All the terms and conditions defined in that Act and shall be included herein, with the exception of the politician’s right to compensation and consultancy which shall not be considered a double recovery if a claim is filed under both subjects of that Act and this, The Act.


I’ve been emailing them off and on for a couple years on these things. I can’t detect that the proofreading level has improved much over that time nor that they have much interest in doing it. :smiley:

Hatch: “Sooner or later gay marriage is probably going to be approved by the Supreme Court of the United States, and certainly as the people in this country move toward it, especially young people,” Hatch said. “I don’t think that’s the right way to go, on the other hand, I do accept whatever the courts have to say.”

Guess who isn’t facing a primary challenge from the right this year.

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