Discussion for article #223272
He “accepts what courts have to say”, but just yesterday he said he would amend the Constitution if the courts ruled against Hobby Lobby.
It’s just a shame that giant bags of hate-filled shit, like Hatch and the rest of the GOP, have spent so many years fighting to keep equal rights off the table for certain people. How about we just legalize and let people be happy?
He said he believes nobody should suffer discrimination, and said religious people should try to understand other people’s beliefs.
I grow so tired of people speaking as if the only “religious people” are conservative Republicans. I’d be willing to bet that most liberals, most progressives, most Democrats and most gays are religious, just not of the right-wing variety. When did believing in the Divine and attempting to live in accordance with such a concept become the exclusive province of those who think the only good people are themselves?
I don’t understand…since he won’t be running for another term in 2016, why doesn’t he just let his freak flag fly and say what he really means?
(you can find his sincere views by watching a Westboro Baptist Church protest and imagining Orrin in the role of Fred)
Nice to see the Senator hasn’t lost any of his insufferable ass qualities that would be better utilized writing a swell hymn full of pee-pee and old apple juice.
Inconsistency, the hobgoblin of empty minds…
Many conservative religious people approve of torture, the death penalty, and have contempt for the poor. What would Jesus think?
Because if Jesus were alive today, he’d be a fat gun nut who spends the lions share of the day posting racist image macros about “welfare queens” on Facebook all day as he got his daily a.m. radio hate rage boner. Religious Republicans are just trying to live in His image.
Pedantic grammar point… “More than 1,000 gay and lesbian couples until the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay more than two weeks later.”
I believe a verb or verb phrase is missing.
Excellent, I understand it as much as I understand liberals idiotically continually insulting religious people as though one can’t be liberal/progressive and religious. It’s even dumber to me than right wingers who think liberals can’t be Christians. Real, actual Christians are necessarily liberal. You simply can’t be a Christian who follows the words, example, and teachings of Christ and be a conservative. The two are mutually exclusive.
Apparently that’s why this stupid prick now feels the need to hang his tantrum on Obamacare.
I’m betting the authors are usually working on new pieces and rarely see the comments, but they’re good about fixing those things if you e-mail them directly.
This doesn’t make a big Orrin fan out of me, but things are bad enough that when one of these people simply acknowledges reality without talking about Satan or the imminent collapse of civilization, I see it as a little bit of progress.
Yeah, I thought I read that too. I am, however, sure that Senator Hatch will find a way to reconcile these two cognitively dissonant statements in the next 24 hours.
“Hatch also questioned whether judges should be able to tell states how to handle an important matter like marriage.”
Or slavery!
Muahahahahahahaha… now we can proceed to our next objective: requiring all heterosexuals to get gay married to their pets.
“Hatch also questioned whether judges should be able to tell states how to handle an important matter like marriage.”
Is he suggesting that judges only handle those issues where they like the decision the judge hands down? I know Hatch isn’t that simple minded or dumb, but the folks he is talking too obviously are.
In an act of preemption, Orrin has his closets widened.
I hate it when Sen. Hatch** says something at least semi-rational and I find myself having to agree with him. He is right: Marriage equality will be the law of the land, his moral queasiness with SSM is beside the point, and Repubs in general need to get over it.
However, Sen. Hatch is engaging a bit of revisionist history and I feel it must be corrected. Judge Shelby did not issue a preemptive stay of his ruling because the state failed to ask for one. Judges do not, as a rule, issue stays of their own rulings unless asked to do so. The state of Utah was so damn sure that they were going to prevail that they didn’t even bother asking for a stay. When they asked for a stay after the fact, the cat was already out of the bag and Judge Shelby refused the issue the stay because he felt that the state had no realistic chance of prevailing on appeal and issuing a stay after the fact would create chaos and confusion and cast doubt on the validity of the marriages already performed. The 10th Circuit ruled the same when they refused the state’s request for a stay. The state had to go all the way to the SupCt to get their stay - I am not sure on what grounds Justice Sotomayor issued the stay.
** I live in Utah, so Hatch is ostensibly my Senator. Although he generally represents the interests of the Mormon Church and big business, rather than the interests of NUTCAKEs like me.