Discussion for article #241047
Instead of admitting they’re incompetent, now they are going to eat themselves.
The House Freedom Caucus has put out the word they’re looking to lease a few abandoned soccer stadiums.
There is an amazing and distinct possibility that someday the nation will miss Mitch McConell. Send in the clowns.
God, it’s a common meme but it fits these Types so well
Crosshairs … Battle … Surrender … WTF??
Since when is it supposed to be a violent, bloody, take no prisoners war to fund and run the government on a day to day basis??
Who are these people? Who votes for this crap?
Form a large circle facing inward, point, aim, shoot! Circular firing squad set up ready to go.
Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart called. He wants his show back.
The answers to your questions are “stupid and/or crazy people” and “stupid and/or crazy people.”
I know where they can get a few
Before you can have the Zombie Apocalypse you have to have the Zombie Mutiny.
Now where did I put my Benelli?
They really don’t get it. They have lossed their stated goal in this battle…shutting down the government and defunding PP. They have probably reduced their influence on future battles as well, depending on who becomes the new Speaker and how he chooses to govern.
And they are happy as pigs in mud, gloating.
There are maybe 5 TPers in the Senate; Smith, Cruz, Earnst, Johnson…maybe Cotton and maybe Paul (though his anti-establishment views come from an entirely different place). They have zero chance of unseating McConnell as the Senate Leader…either as Majority or Minority Leader. None. And even if some set of circumstances came about that McConnell stepped down…NONE of the people I listed would have a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected to Leadership.
The vote that Boehner would have been facing if he hadn’t resigned was not a “YAY Tea Party vote!” it was a vote of no confidence in Boehner as Speaker. BIG…or as Trump would say, YUUUGE DIFFERENCE.
“He surrenders at the sight of battle every time.”
Sure. But in fairness to McConnell, turtles are extremely slow to withdraw.
'We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term"
It’s the Pottery Barn rule, you break it, you buy it. In this situation, they now own it even if they don’t come anywhere near leadership. Screaming and tantrum throwing is a lot different than actually having to show up and play with others. I think, historically, this will be seen as the beginning of the end of the RWNJ control even if they gain some small victories first.
I hate Mitch McConnell and would love to see his face if he gets his ass kicked out.
Unlike the Speaker’s gavel, the vote for MAjority Leader in the Senate is a majority vote of the majority caucus, not a vote of the entire body.
The only reason the rogue teabaggers in the GOP House Caucus could pull this sort of thing off is because the Speaker’s gavel is awarded on a majority vote of the entire Congress. If the rogues don’t fall in line, the majority of the caucus will cut a deal with Pelosi for some Democratic votes in return for giving the minority more say in the agenda.
Wow, these suckers love no one! Not even for their own.
Ever since Gingrich intrigued himself into the House Minority Leader’s chair, we have seen the same cycle, over and over again. 1. Nihilists unseat the existing leadership promising to to bring governance to a halt and blow shit up. 2. Having taken power, nihilists purge the heterodox. 3. Nihilists discover that the institutional imperatives to govern are inexeroble and, after a couple of attempts to blow up the government, finally succomb and consent to participate in minimal governance. 4. New nihilists arise, enraged by this betrayal, and unseat the traitors. Reince and repeat.
The problem is that each time they do this, what emerges is less effective, less intelligent, less sane than the last. At some point, we end up with a crew that either destroys the GOP or blows up the world by pushing us off the debt ceiling cliff.
No. Not even a remote possibility. John Boehner, despite everything, at least had a minute likability quotient. I think we all might have liked Boehner just a little bit if he had not had to deal with the crazy town, evil baggers. Frankly, I think Boehner would have been much happier to have been able to be pragmatic as Speaker, get some things done, been more willing to negotiate then call it a day and go to Happy Hour or the golf course. But the baggers never let him do that, not once since the day he became speaker. We think the baggers are a headache? Imagine his life with them.
McConnell on the other hand, no one likes. Period. He has been all about his own power grab from day one 30+ years ago. He’s not likable to anyone and he’d stab anyone in the back who even thought about getting in his way. He has wanted to be majority leader since the first day he arrived in the Senate. Even Kentuckians who have voted for him all these years never really liked him. It was often said they only voted for him a) he brought home some bacon b) they wanted to keep a senior senator. Now that he is finally wearing his golden ring from Mordor, I couldn’t be happier that it has been nothing but hell for him. Talk about reaping what you sow, he’s the poster child for that.