Discussion: Conservative Pundit Tomi Lahren Joins Fox News After Leaving The Blaze

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Wow. Judging from her physiognomy and coloring, If that’s not Fox News typecasting, nothing is.


Just another Plasic Barbie for America’s TASS!


Let’s see, blonde woman: check, conservative: check, over-inflated sense of privilege: check, clueless: check

Seems like a perfect fit for them.


Of fucking course they did. Blond? Check. Attractive when her face isn’t contorted by hate? Check. Conforms to Fox body norms? Check. Spews insane right wing insults and slanders at others? Check. Easily offended snowflake? Check.


Oh, good, I can continue to ignore her blathering. I wish the media would do the same.

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The corpse of Roger Ailes is masturbating right now.


WOW. If I had known that spreading hatred, lying, and spitting on people of color could make me rich, rich, rich - I still wouldn’t have done it.


Who is left for Fox? David Duke? Sheriffs Arpaio and Clarke?

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Does the job come with health insurance?

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Odious little twit.

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She looks like she still does homework.

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Is this the perfect match or what? There is a revolving door for blonds only at Fox. I think its fun to play Whack a Blond with blond Foxbims.

Tommy will fit right in at FOX

Will she get off the parents’ health care?

Also, she might want to change her name. “Tomi” might confuse the FIX demographic into thinking she’s making a statement about her gender.

Bannon & gorka were out of the running and they didn’t want their crotches grabbed.

Yet another Blonde who believes in Abortion Rights joins FOX and will now spew Pro-Life preaching.
Tomi: I am also enjoying ObamaCare and I am totally against it.
FOX: As long as you are white and hate all things liberals on TV, we are good.

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Win-win, for her. Bigger market on the one hand. On the other hand, if someone hits on her she could score a big settlement.

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Do you think that she’s aware of how rapey the folks at Fox News are?

Yawn. Tomi is just trading one grifting platform for another.