Discussion: Conservative Paper Earnestly Asks: 'Why Not The Washington Reagans?'

Nixon was a far greater Redskin fan than Reagan. He actually called in plays to the former Redskin coach, George Allen. If you’re gonna go political, it really should be the Washington Nixons.


I think the Washington Potomacs makes perfect sense. That was the original American Indian tribe in the area and the name of the river that bisects the DMV. Wouldn’t even have to change their logo. Why is this such a battle?


My prediction is that if Snyder named the team “The Reagans” the “political left” would not clutch its pearls or fall swooning upon its fainting couch or run in circles screeching. The “political left” would roll its eyes and get on with its day. And that’s the news from outside the bubble, Taube you douche.


What do you expect. These are the same people who are convinced that he won the Cold War just by yelling at a wall.


Funny how their main goal seems to be sticking their thumbs in Progressive’s eyes.


Well, a hack newspaper columnist who goes for the antagonistic flavor of columnizing is basically a high-end troll. They exist to be “provocative.”


Exactly. Why not the Gerald Fords, at least he played the game. Plus, when they fumble they can just say its a call out to the team name.


Now wait a minute.

Concussion addled players.

Guys who graduate from colleges that teach them nothing.

Surrounded by people so dumb they’ll buy ten dollar beers, to watch a team go 6-10 every year.

All run by a guy who is a total jackass, who is the latest in a long line of jackasses.

The name’s a perfect fit, really.


Don’t forget he also gave aid and comfort (aka green cards) to the enemy (aka brown people).

Washington “Seniletors”

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Would anybody on the left really care as much as this man thinks we will? Calling them the Washington Reagans just reduces the name to a logo, a brand, a mascot (with what - a giant Reagan head?). It does more to disrespect their sainted Ronnie than it does to agitate me.


So every time the QB is interviewed he says “I can’t remember” “I don’t recall?”


Speaking of knobs, why not call them the Washington hand jobs?

My favorite suggestion so far was the Washington Department of Football.

Just like the idea of someone rooting for the fightin’ Bureaucrats, and the cheerleaders can all be in power pantsuits like Hillary.


Nixon was a Dolphin fan. It developed from all the time he spent in Key Biscayne. Supposedly he called Shula the night before the Dolphins Cowboys Superbowl to give him plays.Though I have heard the story about calling Allen as well. The Redskins ran his play, a flanker reverse to Roy Jefferson, that resulted in a 13 yard loss.

Hunter S. Thompson also wrote an amusing story about how the Secret Service grabbed him in Miami from the reporter pool to ride alone in the limo with Nixon…because he was the only one he understood football. well enough. He couldn’t discuss anything else…so for like a hour they talked football.


I was no fan of Reagan, but I would view the name as a huge improvement over a racial slur.


The Washington Kochsuckers…

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Up next on “Who asked you, anyway?”… Sarah Palin opened her yap again.

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What is Grover Norquist’s Reagan Legacy Project going to do once every single object, animate or inanimate, is named after Ronald Reagan?

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I propose that we repurpose the word “Reagan” to become a slur.