But-but – Bill Maher!
Both sides!
That was going to be my comment. There’s simply no way to respond to this sort of talk except to ignore it.
“Before we commence this here necktie party for these sidewindin’ varmints, the good Rabbi Goldman will lead us all in prayer.”
“Members of the Congressional Black Caucus” and hanging “from a noose.” Why is that always an easy combination for the modern conservatives?
Let’s be honest. It’s because they want to be able to scream “NIGGER!” again. But they still can’t because of the political climate – i.e., there are still too many intelligent people around for them to get away with it.
So instead, they play this childish little game where they race as close to the red line as they can without crossing it, throwing out every dogwhistle substitute slur and seeing how much they can expand the envelope of bigotry, hate and blame.
On behalf of he lovely Ms. Lansbury, I’m offended.
Nope. No dog-whistle there. More like another one of those rightwing nutjobs with a fucking bullhorn. Fucking sociopath. I know people like this are taught right from left, but does anyone teach these racist assholes right from wrong? What are her radio call letters? WKKK? Fuck her, whoever she is. Never heard of her, and I hope to never hear about her again.
Fuck her? Not with John Boener’s boner and 4 hands to do the push-pull.
If you say her name fast, it’s Andrea Shaking. With uncontrollable, incoherent, violent rage, evidently.
Grandma found my shrooms!!!
Well that’s a waste of good Psilocybin.
Shame on you.
Kill the Niggers. Why do those on the right want to kill anyone that, thinks, looks, sounds, worships or disagrees with them? Is it taught in 'their schools"? Is it genetic? Is it a break down in society?
Whatever the cause, facts are the cure.
Pro tip: If you have Andrea Shea King on your RWNJ Fantasy Team, bench your other Kings (Steve and Peter) this week and play Andrea!! Lady is a points machine.
Nope. Hanging’s too good for 'em. Sentence them to having to listen to this wacko and Fox News for 2-4 years. That’ll cure 'em.
Your grandma is one angry tripper.
Nah. When they get to this stage, they’re terminal and cannot be saved.
The focus has to be on the young, to steer them away from this racist bullshit.
Derpians always say “THE LIBRULZ ARE AFTER OUR KIDZ!”. Well for once, they’re right. We want to save their kids from becoming them.
Which is probably another big reason why conservatives hate public education so much.
When she makes out with her son…who is her own age. Hmmm…
And don’t forget, you’re the “real racist” for pointing it out . . .