Discussion: Conservative Hero Ben Carson Joins MSNBC's Chris Hayes For A Friendly Debate On Race (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #223091

Dr Carson almost sounded reasonable, I guess he needs to be surrounded by other wingnuts to be able to speak his mind.


Well wasn’t that nice.

He’s still not going to be President. Ever.


And this is why I don’t watch Chris Hayes. Terminally boring.

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2016 preparation. He has to appear reasonable.


Sure, toss a turd into the soup.

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I thought he did pretty well. He’s still wrong, but what I saw last night was a decent, sincere person with some relatively shallow ideas, engaging in a meaningful discussion based on legitimate principles.

I really liked the part where he said that the brains of the people he opens up are all the same, and then someone responded that, once you sew them up, the people with black skin go out into the world and have a harder time than the white patients.


Ben Carson is a puppet of the teabagging right and Fox noise machine. He’s paid to make outrageous comments on Foxtard to keep their simpleton audience placated with idiocy.


It’s all about selling the book, so Carson moderates a bit, which makes him even sleazier, or normal as far as many authors go.

This is the guy that the so-called conservatives say that they would vote for for President and that that proves that they aren’t racists. It doesn’t say much for their brain power or ability to be realistic but it helps them sleep at night I guess.

Realistically, racists don’t like being called out publicly at all and this flamer is never going to be President or more than what he is now, he has peeked.


TPM Headline: Conservative Hero Ben Carson Joins MSNBC’s Chris Hayes For A Friendly Debate On Race

Nothing against Chris Hayes, but how about we put Carson up against Ta-Nehisi Coates and screw the friendliness.

That’s a debate I’d watch.



He’s there to promote his book. No other reason. He’s hoping a few “libuurals” fall for his shtick and buy his book.


That’s right, Dr. Carson. Shaming people who make racist or sexist jokes is JUST LIKE NAZI GERMANY EXTERMINATING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE FOR THEIR ETHNICITY OR SEXUALITY!!!

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He’s at least peeked at the peak.


Wrong peeker at the wrong peak though. It’s like he got confused and scaled Mt. Earnest.

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This just shows that Carson is keenly aware of his audiences. He’s cordial and reasonable on MSNBC while on FNC he throws red meat to the knuckle-dragging loons. Which adds up to him being a complete charlatan who lacks any scruples or core believes.


Dr. Carson’s brand of race blindness is not unknown among black individuals who succeed in a white environment. They so much want to distance themselves from the black fold and all that negative press about mass incarceration, wealth inequality, and low test scores. “Pull your pants up and stop wearing hoodies” is their prescription for black uplift. Is he blind to history now that he’s embraced by white conservatives? It pays well, apparently.


Ben Carson doesn’t see race.
People tell him he’s black, and he takes them at their word.
When he’s working he only see’s brains.


Sadly, the whole reason he could have become a neurosurgeon is that progress (liberal) people died to make it so, just as for so much else we take for granted. Just as sadly, for all his education, he is ignorant. Perhaps he does not understand history. Perhaps he just wants to keep his money. Either way, he is a another sad little man who manages to get in the spotlight for a moment.


But Carson said his experience as a neurosurgeon confirmed his belief that someone’s skin color has “very little with who that person is.”

It’s nice Carson realizes that a person’s skin color does not define who that person is. Unfortunately many people do not feel the same. Ask Sterling, who was pissed that his silly rabbit would have the audacity to take a picture with Magic Johnson. And he wasn’t even wearing a hoodie! (I’m side eying you, Cuban)

I get a lot of conservatives want to say there is no racism and that a skin color does not define you yet are the same ones that participate in discriminatory policies or exclaim EVERYone is racist or bigoted. There seems to be some disconnect going on. Especially when they on one hand say skin color doesn’t matter but accuse people of voting for Obama because he’s Black or because of White guilt.

“It does exist. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist,” Carson said.

If it does exist, saying we need to get past that helps nothing. Particularly if you work for a network that feeds racism and divides America.
You’re not helping, Carson. And no, I am not buying the crap you’re selling.


It’s one thing to acknowledge a problem (or pretend to), but it’s another thing to oppose or reject any attempt to actually solve that problem. That makes you the problem.