Discussion: Connecticut Elementary School Named In Honor Of Obama

MAGA. Making asses great again

         The Donald J. Trump Solid Waste Center

                        The  ' Trump Dump '

A well-deserved honor indeed, I hope this is the first of many such dedications. Of course, we’re all going to need some sort of protection now since this will cause many wingnut heads to explode in utter pearl-clutching disgust. I mean Obama did once wear a tan suit you know - a TAN suit!! And he had the audacity to eat dijon mustard, the elitist globalist secret Kenyan mustard of choice. Trump’s obvious collusion with Russia to steal an election is one thing, but naming a school after Obama - come on!

I think I’ll mention this new school to all my republican “friends” just to see the look on their faces haha.


Can’t wait for next Trump Tweet:
“Lyin’ Obama gets name on school. Why isn’t my name on more buildings…oh wait, never mind.”

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Good idea – except, sewage treatment plants help clean things up. A hurricane, perhaps?


I miss part of how I felt while he was president. I wish I could miss the feeling of ‘jesus h. christ, what the fuck is WRONG with the Republicans??’ that I felt then… but it’s never gone away.

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How about a swamp. Although swamps also serve a valuable purpose in nature.

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Bravo Mr. President! :heart:

Aaiiieee! Please forgive me!

[I didn’t want to give people the impression I couldn’t tell the difference between a latrine and a sewage treatment plant - as a retired chemical engineer, it’s an ego thing - I haven’t forgotten that much already!]

Have a great weekend too!

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Giant gold letters that spell ‘Trump’ come down from 3 NYC luxury buildings
by Chris Isidore and Jordan Malter @CNNMoney
November 16, 2016: 3:07 PM ET

There’s many more like this example.

Somebody’s name is coming down. Somebody’s name is going up.

Nope. They wouldn’t allow that. But there would be a lot of pictures of his wife and eldest daughter in their modeling days (only the pouty sex-kitten poses that were done by both of them) and endless poses of Spanky himself with every single woman he ever “dated” and him with all his most-admired dictators. Those would represent what he’s most proud of.

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