Discussion: Congressman Defends His DC Anti-Pot Rider: 'DC's Not A State'

Discussion for article #231039

Another “small government” Republican (Except when it comes to the District of Columbia, women’s rights, military spending, death penalty, etc)


Sounds like Emperor talk to me! Screw that majority of DC residents who voted for marijuana legalization. I a representative from another state will tell you whats right for you. The irony is certainly lost on this congressthug, that his party which constantly whines for big government to get out of their tea party lives, immediately moves to deny the rights of thousands of other Americans…or I guess maybe he views them as lesser Americans…


“Asked what motivated him to push for the provision, Harris said he’s dealt with addicted patients in his practice at Johns Hopkins for 30 years.”

What he left unsaid: “…and I loathe them and consider them subhuman.”


No taxation without representation…unless you’re black. In which case you should just be grateful to have any freedom at all.

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I really loathe people who act like they’re anti-legalization because they want to discourage bad habits, since they never really admit to what policy they’re advocating: Locking people up and ruining their lives.

They talk as if criminalization is just like putting a frowny face on drugs, in order to express their disapproval. As if this were all just a symbolic war we’re fighting, like a battle of the minds. And if that were the case, I wouldn’t have a problem at all with what they’re doing. But that’s all part of their denial system, since they don’t want to acknowledge how dangerous their policies are. Or how the vast majority of problems associated with drugs are caused by anti-drug laws and not drugs themselves.

And beyond that, if this bozo has been treating marijuana addicts at Johns Hopkins for 30 years, he needs his license revoked. Seriously.


Pray tell how many cases of “marijuana addiction” did you treat you prevaricating chickensh it?


The Republicans seem to have cornered the market in stupid doctors.

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Aren’t these guys always going on about Obama is Monarch, he’s ignoring the message from the election?

Besides, marrying your sister can definitely be bad for your progeny, yet Republicans all over the south continue to do so. Can’t Harris do something about that?

…ever since dubya made being stupid socially acceptable.

Notice the explosion of ‘Reality’ TV ? DuckDynasty, SwampPeople, HoneyBooBoo …etc.


Sounds good to me… don’t spend a dime of either federal or district money on implementing this marijuana legalization law… or policing marijuana users… or regulation… or collecting production/sales/use taxes. Thinking about this further, what’s not to love about this rider?

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This is the thing I don’t get. It seems like this will make it (from any kind of government or law enforcement perspective) the worst of both worlds - legal, but completely unregulated and with no way for the government to recuperate some of the (supposed)
expense of treating said addicts by taxing it. Just how stupid is this guy?

Does his logic refer to states that are referred to as commonwealths?

Patients addicted to pot? Only Sahil talking to a republican would let that absurdity fly without a challenge.

How stupid? Well, he does have an ÂŽ after his name :smile:

Harris said he’s dealt with addicted patients in his practice at Johns Hopkins for 30 years.

Really? Marijuana addicts? Produce just one.