Discussion: Congressional Democrats Are Crushing The GOP In 2018 Midterm Fundraising

Well, he was able to buy his third home for over a half-million dollars.
So there’s that.

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What has St. Bernie accomplished in 23 years in Congress?

Fast enough for you? And he did it as an Independent. Hillary’s record? Waiting…

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Like the 2016 election, where the Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate and took the popular vote in the election?

In any case, your superficial “analysis” is worthless because you continue to ignore one overriding factor: the 2018 election will be a referendum on Trump and on Republican rule in the House and Senate. And, right now, that referendum is not favoring Republicans, and it’s not even close.


Only if they’re deaf, dumb, and blind.

What utter bullshit.

Proving once and for all that he’s an egotistical asshole who doesn’t give a shit about America.
Third-party candidates are spoilers—noting more, nothing less.


Oh, the irony…


Is there an actual, paid or otherwise, demoralization campaign occurring in this thread? It sure seem like it. It’s only on left of center boards like TPM that I see so much negativity forged from good news.

I have to doubt this is a purely natural phenomenon. At least some of the backlash to good news posting here must be part of a concerted digital campaign to suppress the democratic vote by circumventing any boosts to morale.


Except that none of your links answer daveyjones question: which Democratic candidate, at either the Federal level or the state level, has included that phrase in their messaging?

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Well … I think we can all agree that the GOP’s goals and policies are bad for America, and not just bad, but destroying it.

However, I can’t call them the Party of Perpetual Failure because the biggest problems with the GOP, the ones that cause the most damage, are their successes - like Trump ‘winning’ the electoral college, like Bush II’s tax cuts, his deregulation and lack of enforcement in the financial sector, and so on.

Maybe a better name would be the Party of Perpetual Damage.


People on both sides need to get over “Hillary versus Bernie.” It is irrelevant old history. The general public does not care. It is not going to get Jane and Joe Voter to vote Democratic in 2018.

What it is about is rebuilding the Democratic brand so it stands for something other than “not Republican.”


The so-called “Party of Perpetual Failure” has been pretty darn good at winning elections for the last 8 years.

Maybe we could learn something from that.

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You’ve been given several examples in this very thread of Democrats doing exactly that. You ignored them, just as you always do with data that contradict your world view.


Every day all day.

What a way to start a day.


New avatar? Your pic?

Let’s compare brand messages:

Republican Branding Messages:

“Repeal and replace”
“Lower taxes”
“Smaller government”
“Not Nancy Pelosi”

Democratic Branding Messages:

“A Better Deal”
“Not Republican”

Now let’s look at last Presidential race:


“Make America Great Again”
“Build the wall”
“Drain the swamp”
“Lock her up”


“Stronger together”
“I’m with her”

We had lots of money in 2016 and lost. I think we must do better.


Yes. I’m not in Taos for the next 6 months or so so I thought I’d change. I found this on google images and I don’t know where it came from but it looks a bit like me so I decided to use it.


Democratic Party does not like the Sanders’ message and do not want it in their politics or platform. I think it will play out like I said.

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About half of the Democratic platform was written by Bernie’s Boys.

If Bernie wants to have a say in how the party proceeds, then he needs to be a member of the party.


Didn’t really look at them, did you?

Are you one of those Puerto Ricans who have to have everything done for them? How are you fixed for clean socks and skivvies.


So we can add racism to the list of attributes you display here? Nice.

You still don’t get it, do you? The point sailed right over your head. That was a rollout of the message, not a campaign. I repeat: “which Democratic candidate, at either the Federal level or the state level, has included that phrase in their messaging?”

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Many Democrats share and like Senator Sanders’ positions and messages, including me. For example, there are a growing number of Democrats beginning to advocate for single-payer healthcare.

I also thought that Hillary’s speech at the DNC was a magnificent full-throated endorsement of many liberal policies.

The Tea-party Republicans have become a major force in the Republican party. There is no reason that very progressive Democrats can’t become a major force in the Democratic party.

We are failing in politics, not policies. Our policy positions are popular; our messaging is horrible.