Discussion: Congressional Democrats Are Crushing The GOP In 2018 Midterm Fundraising

Speaking of not trying…

In the last 8 years while Obama was President, the Democrats lost the White House, Senate, Congress, Supreme Court, and 35 Governorships and 67 State Legislatures.

You can keep cheering for this record, but I am not.

Did you read the article?

" The Republican National Committee is wiping the floor with the Democratic National Committee, a major concern for Democrats as they head into a crucial midterm year. The RNC has $44 million in the bank to the DNC’s paltry $7 million."

Obama’s third DNC Chair pick Perez is failing badly at the DNC. Numbers don’t lie.


I know the RNC has a lot more money than the DNC, but isn’t a lot of that money being used to pay for Donnie Dingbat’s legal fees and that of his young Padawan Punk grifting son? No telling how much they’ll be dipping into that $44 million before all is said and done. I mean, its not like this phonyfuck billionaire can afford his own legal defense. Right? Like everything else, he uses other people’s money for that, from people who donated to support candidates for office beyond him. So I say, let him suck their coffers dry. Serves them right.

Its really the GOP SuperPAC money that tends to roll in at the last minute, that tries to come to the rescue of these candidates anyway, with their bombardment of negative ads and glossy photostock pics, that have relatively no relation to the actual candidate. You can almost hear all those TVs around America simultaneously changing the channels or being permanently shut off for good in the last few weeks of a campaign, because the fevered pitch to spend all that last minute PAC money has gone through the roof, and has literally become intolerable.

Let’s just hope people are a lot more savvy about how they’re getting played this time around. Fingers crossed.


So here is the question for you. Sanders’ Revolution group has been actively raising money since the fall election. Yet I have yet to see a single candidate running, yet alone winning, on these vague populist message you mention. You yourself aren’t even attempting to define it.

I see a lot of derogatory complaints here about Democratic messaging sucks, and Democrats only know how to lose. So why haven’t you organized and delivered a victory or two yourselves? Just a reminder, since it seems to constantly slip your wing’s mind…your populist message lost the Democratic primary last year. And as much as y’all love to hate on “Democrats” for that, the reality is that the Democratic electorate participating in the primaries is vastly more receptive to your message than the general electorate will ever be. Yet you still lost.

I raised this several times last year, and I will raise it again. Its easy to sit on the sidelines and poo-poo every strategy, every message, every bill, every tactic as not being pure enough. Its a whole lot harder to do the work and deliver on your own strategy, your own message, your own bills and your own tactics. And so far, you never have.


If the Democratic Party operates the way they did in 2016 they can easily snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Don’t put it past them.

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You obviously have a serious problem with mental retention of facts. Because I know I have pointed this out to you on several occasions, as have others.

The DNC exists to support Presidential elections. There is no Presidential election in 2018.

But what about the bulk of the actual article? Which is, that the GOP is sucking wind in fund raising at all levels right now? Particularly with regards to the actual races that will be happening in 2018.

Quit being such a moron. Perez wasn’t Obama’s pick. This is the crap you come up with when you spend all your time huffing unicorn farts. Why no mention of Ellison, which many would say was Sanders hand picked candidate? You know, the CO-CHAIR sharing the responsibility for running the DNC?

But wait…lets back up. You were orginially criticizing Democrats for not having a positive message. I gave you links to a slew of Democrats currently running, every one of them on a positive message, and not a one of them ever mentions Trump by name. And yet, in typical unicorn fashion, you ignore what you were claiming was your major concern, and change the subject. Why is that?


Randy Bryce is taking a run at Paul Ryan.


And Randy is killing it with messaging. :smiley:


You really need to get over Hillary winning the primary. That is so last year. We need to win next year, and there is no coherent national strategy or policy offerings from the Democrats to do that.

The Republicans will probably just run the same tired pictures of Nancy Pelosi, and end up winning again. That seems to work every time.

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Your ignorance is stunning. And yet, you continue to ignore the slew of actual Democrats and their actual messages that I linked for you.

I can only assume its because you are so comfortable being ignorant, that taking in new information terrifies you.


Only for the last 50 years or so.

Provide some proof here.

That’s what Republicans want you to believe—but it’s not true.


And he’s so damned proud of it, too.
He also fails to realize that a national strategy is not what is needed for the mid-terms.
Mid-term elections require local strategies for every House race, and statewide strategies for every Senate race.


That’s his sole reason for existing.
He does nothing else—nor will he.


Which has been pointed out to him, time and time again. Including once again, by me here this morning. Yet still he ignores it.

I am fairly certain its because he isn’t actually interested or concerned in any of the things he says. He merely wants to troll Democrats and attempt to create division. Its the Sarandon Syndrome writ large. Lets whine about Dems so they lose every election and that will show them…plus I don’t really need this nose and I really want to spite my face…so snip off it goes!!


Of daveyjones64 response that’s all you’ve got as a reply? All that you did was deflect and then ignore a chance to define your message and a strategy for getting the general electorate to sign onto it. You keep repeated the Democrats suck, but you never give anything vaguely more cognizant then Trump does when speaking about anything.


Which makes it pertinent to the discussion, since you only offer up “Lets feel the Bern!” as a strategy…if you even offer up a strategy. Which so far this morning, you haven’t. Instead you’ve taken up the typical unicorn strategy of merely criticizing everything, as it if somehow makes you appear “pure”


They’ll piss the money away on stupid TV ads. Remember that the consultant class gets paid a percentage for ad placement.

The Dems can only win if they get out of the stupid box and avoid approaches that make them look all sanctimonious and deserving. That’s basically all the consultants have to offer, to disastrous result, as in the last election.

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Except that he really was:


As I quoted to you before, the DNC “also raises money, hires staff, and coordinates strategy to support candidates throughout the country for local, state, and national office.”

Here it is from the DNC website:

The Democratic National Committee, or DNC, was created during the Democratic National Convention of 1848. For 167 years, it’s been responsible for governing the Democratic Party and is the oldest continuing party committee in the United States.

The Committee, which plans the Party’s presidential nominating convention and promotes the Democratic Platform, the statement of core principles at the heart of our Party, is governed by its Charter and Bylaws.

The DNC also raises money, hires staff, and coordinates strategy to support candidates throughout the country for local, state, and national office.

Additionally, the Committee works with various constituencies to respond to the needs and views of Democrats across the nation.

Of course, I never said any of that. You’re just making things up.

You’re welcome to have the last word here because there is no point in discussing this with you because you seem incapable of having a civil conversation about facts without resorting to name-calling (“moron”) and ad hominem attacks (“a serious problem with mental retention of facts”).

Good day to you, sir.

What does it matter if the DNC isn’t raising money the way the RNC is, given that both the DCCC and DSCC are doing well, and individual Congressional candidates are doing even better? Doesn’t the DNC money mostly go to the Presidential race anyway?


I think the Bush rating is relative to the current Republican president. But I agree with you that Democrats have been terrible at branding the GOP for their sheer incompetence. The pattern has repeated itself again and again: Republicans crash the economy, Democrats fix it, then Republicans crash it again.

The most damaging part isn’t the presidential elections–because it’s quite normal for voters to want a change of party after 8 years, especially if things are running smoothly. (I think that was an underestimated headwind that Clinton faced.) The worst, least forgivable part is that Democrats typically get hammered at the polls two years into their presidency and the misdeeds of the Republicans are simply forgotten. There has to be a way to hold Republicans accountable in an ongoing way. Bogus democratic civility has been a disaster for the country.


Since you are claiming to be clairvoyant, how about sharing the winning Powerball numbers while you’re pontificating?

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