Discussion: Congress Will Not Vote On Obamacare Repeal This Week

Well said

With a stick.

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"We’re still educating members.”

Or, as Chairman Mao would have said, “re-educating.”

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"We’re still educating members.”

So, your goal is to have a bunch of smart pricks, is it?


How 's it going, Paulie?

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The Townhalls scared them SO bad they can’t even find the voting buttons on their desks.


I have health insurance through work and do benefit from ObamaCare. However, I am not being jerked around by the repubs like those on ObamaCare and Medicaid expansion. The repubs are so immoral and disgusting. May they rot in hell, if here is a hell.


The House Rs will never bring a vote on repealing/replacing ACA. It’s talk and bluster because it what’s they did for 6-7 years and it’s all they know how to do.


I called my goddamn GOP critter the other day to say this one’s even worse, I vehemently oppose etc. etc. and the poor young woman who always answers the phone just sadly said she’d let him know. I don’t think they’re having much fun in the House these days, and I don’t think it’s much better in the Senate. One thing that’s halfway a pity is that I had a friend who was the head of an agency in Interior under Obama. He’s home now but it would be fun to have his read on the mood in D.C.


Well, they’re teaching them to use the zero rather than just saying ‘more than fingers and toes.’

Where’s Benghazi?

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In the rearview mirror at all times.


I don’t know about anyone else, but I made an angry call to my GOP rep yesterday…


Ha! Just saw your post. I did the same yesterday.


High five! Guess it worked.


Translation: “We haven’t been able to bribe/cajole/bamboozle/threaten enough blue state Republicans to commit career suicide. Yet.”


“We’re still educating members,”

The best way to fall on their sword.

I count my blessings every days that I have three Democratic women as my representatives, and very little persuasion is necessary to get them to do the right thing.


Likely true. You almost be tempted to think they’ll treat repeal of the ACA like they do outlawing abortion: they’ll never do it but would prefer to have it as a campaign issue forever.

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I hope you all are correct. If AHCA passes I’ll probably have to drop my exchange plan and have pre-existing conditions so will be doubly screwed. I’m not so confident that the “moderates” will stand firm. I read somewhere that Frelinghuysen (sp?) was threatened with losing his chairmanship on whatever committee he’s on and I’m sure they can pressure others. It’s not that I don’t believe they are between a rock and a hard place, but every time I hear them say, we’re getting there, we just need more time… my stomach knots up. I don’t trust these moderates not to sell out their constituents. There were lots of undecideds who could flip either way, so I hope the fear of losing in 2018 works–but I don’t trust in that at all. I don’t trust any of them to do the right thing.

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