Discussion for article #241852
What? The Pol Pot comparisons not working for ya, Rand? Go play in traffic and let the adults govern.
Evidence of how the crazies have taken over the GOTP: The son of ronpaul is not batshit crazy enough
I wish I knew why Democrats are lagging so badly about finding someone to run against him in Kentucky. I am figuring Paul’s seat should be pretty vulnerable right now; he is spending most of his money and all of his other resources are the Presidential, his campaign manager and BFF is under indictment, and he had to bribe his own party just to get them to change their rules to circumvent Kentucky law. The campaign ads literally make themselves.
Add to that, Paul is not a strong campaigner. He is very weak skinned, easy to knock off his game, and resorts to the tantrums of 4 year old when it happens.
I would think a good Dem could take him down. But for the life of me, I don’t understand why nobody is stepping up.
I think they want him out because, like Trump, he´s challenging Republican comb-over orthodoxy.
Yes it sure would be a shame if KY GOP sources panicked, wouldn’t it?
I think part of the problem is the lingering effects of an ineffective and shoddy DNC led by you know who…
The state party is a joke, more old blue-bloods than Connecticut’s GOP. I’ve been getting the same fund-raising letter, on the same stationary, for 20+ years. They abandoned the northern part years ago to a small clutch of loud, mostly carpet-bagging fundies. If a certain movie star’s father didn’t have a serious drinking problem at the time the 4th CD would have gone Dem several cycles ago.
Yeah, you suck! Go away rat hair!
Huh? Are that saying “the most interesting man in American politics” is a dud?
stalled momentum
He had momentum?
No Presidency, no Senate? Still no problem. Ophthalmology is not a bad fall-back position.
Momentum of the vortex of the TeaPotty Swirl.
Oh, my sides, MY SIDES!!
I know politics favors some degree of hyperbole, but this is ridiculous!
Replace “blue bloods” with “old county courthouse hacks” everywhere but Fayette, Franklin and Jefferson, and yeah. This.
Hey, free markets fix everything. Have they considered just paying him to quit running for president? In gooooold, of course.
Maybe the Kentucky voters should take a look at Rand’s priorities …
A defiant Rand Paul is brushing off weak fundraising and weaker poll numbers–
and has decided to self-certify his candidacy; today, announcing himself as the ® nominee for POTUS.
Might as well Sen Poodlerug.
It’ll be the only way.
The result of Ayn Rand-loving Aqua Buddha’s ego trip proves the country doesn’t want him. He can go away now.
At this point it is all about his ego - he thinks he deserves to be Prez. In his mind he is already there. Please don’t change a thing moron.