Discussion: Commentator Alleges Fox Retaliated After She Accused Anchor Of Rape

They like for people to understand the situation. :grinning:


What’s not clear from the article is just when she accused him of rape. Was it after she ended the allegedly coerced relationship? I think any woman in a situation like that is, uh, screwed either way. If she reports the assault immediately, her career is toast. If she doesn’t report it immediately, she’s a conniving seductress.

(And you have to remember that any woman who’s going to work for Fox News is also not exactly psychologically whole from the start; for all we know she bought into the standard patriarchal argument that rape is the woman’s fault…)




That entire place was obviously one big Playboy Club for the men who worked there, the men who worked there believed.


No, you aren’t missing anything. I suspect Payne is a complete pig, but I’m not sure how she’s going to convince anyone she was his subordinate. I’m pretty sure commentators are independent contractors. Unless she can find emails between Fox and Payne that show they knew he had raped her and only invited her on to keep having sex with her, they’ll probably claim that Payne said she was problematic to work with so they shouldn’t bring her on.

But I sure as hell hope there’s email or something to show Fox covered it up.


And here we are, nearly a year into his presidency and we’re just now learning that the Feebies were surveilling Dump’s close advisor at least two years before and none of them thought that was worth, you know, telling us that a major
party’s candidate was being influenced by an enemy power? Bros before hos, amirite?


Totally agree with you. I just think this is potentially much more complicated than it appears, and I can’t just dismiss her allegations. She may have been in a situation where she believed the career she’d worked for would be over if she reported him. Like so very many women, she also may have thought she could handle it, that she could bury her pain and move on. She may have thought that right up until she was tossed out and realized she’d stayed quiet and still paid the price.

ETA: Or, she could be an angry vindictive asshole who tried to sleep her way to the top and got canned.



In a properly functioning administration (eg, Obama’s), contact between DOJ and the executive branch is extremely limited to minimize the chance of political influence over any federal investigation. This will obviously not stop DT from making the claim to his base who have no interest in the way govt is supposed to operate.


Christmas comes early to Donkeytown.


LOL. That was perfect. The initial post, the hesitation, excellent.


If that’s what it was, she had a long way to go.

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I’d bet Scottie voted for a punk that thinks sexual assault is something to brag about.


Makes more sense than anything else I’ve heard her say.

I, for one, am shocked. That this thing got this far. Unless she is suing to make a point, Fox should just write her a check, because its Fox and this is a sexual assault allegation. There is nothing to be gained by Fox and making this woman relive everything is crap.

Fox News deserves to go under. It deserves to be assaulted on all sides and it should be driven to surrender. It is complicit in a great crime against American democracy and I know that sounds hyperbolic but screw it, its true.

I hope she sues, wins and Fox News is again recognized as the cesspool that it is.


:joy::joy::joy:Seriously, you could see my afterthought play out in real time.


"Since then, I have been living an absolute hell.”

Sell you soul to the devil, that’s where you end up.


But did POTUS O supply the microwave? :laughing:


At this point manafort might want to consider saving his own ass…if this is true


Why should she worry about Fox’s attorneys? She’s already being called a whore here at TPM. A prostitute. Trading sexual favors for career advancement.

I don’t know the woman, don’t watch Fox, but I can see her being pilloried here, and it makes me ill.


Actually, no they didn’t. O’Reilly, yes. Hannity, yes. Everybody else sometimes led the field but everyone else combined? No. And Fox audience share has dropped further since this last year of which you speak.