I am not really a Comey fan, but he certainly does reflect my feelings about Trump. He is morally unfit to be President. Moreover he doesn’t believe in the rule of law. He has a strong man mentality who views the law to be used or ignored as he sees fit. That makes him different than any other President in American history except maybe Andrew Jackson.
Comey said impeaching Trump would “let the American people off the hook” and “short circuit” their duty to vote.
This makes it sound like the American people spent all of their summer lawn mowing money on Nirvana albums and will have to wear the school clothes that their mother buys instead of what they want to wear.
If social or political discomfort was the worst thing that could happen, then there would be no procedure for impeaching a president. With this president, that is not the case.
He’s right. We really can’t impeach on the issue of moral fitness. (Although the Republicans had no hesitation to do so with Clinton because of the Lewinsky affair).
I guess we’ll have to wait for the high crimes and misdemeanors coming out under the Cohen investigation to qualify the impeachment.
Please let that be soon.
I think it’s just he has so much to hide.
He has been a conniving sleazy weasel is whole life and is so fucking stupid he thought no one would uncover the lies and duplicity.
He is afraid of the truth as opposed to , oh I don’t know …President Obama who would be able to invite any investigation with …Please Proceed…
Comey is annoying, no doubt.
But shit, we teamed up with Stalin, back in the day…
Trump ‘Morally Unfit To Be President,’
Comey passing judgement from high up on the pulpit in his Boy Scout best with all his ribbons while humping his book is more modern day hypocrisy. Why our Democratic ‘leadership’ isn’t going hard after this fraud is discouraging. Hillary should have saved her post-election complaining for this guy. Comey, more than the Russians IMO, had a direct effect on why Trump is in our WH.
Yeah, but only against Hitler … um, never mind.
The Comey interview killed Trump. No one remembers the Syria bombing. The interview had high drama and received wide promotion on ABC and likely a large audience. The idea that Trump is a mobster who is a depraved liar and is morally unfit to be President will strike a chord with the American people. It puts a clear picture in the voters’ minds about who Trump is and what it means to have such a person as President.
I think the Cohen situation is also helping to shape the national mood, because it isn’t Mueller doing the investigating. It looks like a totally new front and it’s focusing on the things that the media should’ve obsessed over in 2016 instead of emails.
In essence, what has hurt Trump is that he is now viewed as undeniably corrupt, criminal and a liar. I don’t think he can politically or legally survive it.
Saint Comey. But in this case I think he has an important reason for it. As an interested party and likely fact witness, he is not in a position to speak publicly about his judgement on whether trump has committed crimes high or low.
Comey’s biggest flaw is hubris. That his intelligence, judgment and experience allowed him to substitute his judgment for the rules.
The FBI doesn’t announce the end of investigations. But Comey did for Hillary Clinton. When he exonerated her, he excoriated her. He later did the infamous letters 11 and 3 days before the election against the advice of Justice. I understand the Giuliani NY Office revolt, but Comey wouldn’t have had those problems if he had followed the rules. Perhaps said ‘There is not an active investigation into Hillary Clinton.’
He sent the letters against the advice of his lawyer because he thought Hillary would win and wanted to insulate her, the FBI and Justice from accusations of bias. If he had listened to his lawyer those letters wouldn’t be sent.
The rules are there for a reason.
Another of Comey’s judgments that seems way, way off. Trump is credibly accused of multiple serious crimes that make him unfit to be president. The process for judging and removing him is impeachment. If it’s not happening yet politically that’s one thing. Outside of that the argument for not impeaching escapes me. It lets us off the hook for voting? Wha? Impeaching is to get him out of office before he does more bad things to the nation. Jesus, dude.
Except for the people who love him and that he can’t do any wrong.
I haven’t seen definitive proof of this, but I suspect he also has a problem with unrecognized sexism.
He has big problems with the actions of two women—Clinton and Lynch—and his attitude seems out of proportion.
Getting out to vote is certainly important, but he should go on to acknowledge how Dems have to win by such a larger margin to actually win, considering all the gerrymandering, court interference, dirty tricks, incorrect voting day mailers, voter suppression, and voter intimidation, not to mention Russian meddling and who knows what’s possible with voting machines, and finally the difficulty of actually getting to a voting place, considering restrictions on early voting, reduced polling locations and hours. All that is courtesy of republicans trying to interfere with voting. You pretend morals is a big thing to you, and you were director of the FBI, perhaps you yourself shouldn’t have swayed the 2016 election with your 11th hour email bombshell about Clinton that didn’t even involve her! Sanctimonious ass.
Ah, the day is starting right.
I was worried for a while.
I think Comey worded his response inartfully. It would be correct to say, “Being morally unfit to hold the office is neither a high crime nor a misdemeanor, and therefore not an impeachable offense.”
If even 10% of the rest of what we believe we know of Donnie Two-scoops is true (and I think the ratio is much higher, myself) there is plenty of other stuff to choose from that are clearly misdemeanors, and we can start with violations of the emoluments clause. There are five or six saxophones in the Triple-wide Overlooking the Ark River (Clinton Presidential Library) that were gifts from various foreign dignitaries. The Big Dog is a pretty good saxophonist, but the horns are in his library because of the emoluments clause. If Two-scoops wanted to put the pile of dollars he’s making from the office in a box in his (gag) Presidential Library, well, okay. But we all know he doesn’t want that and he won’t do that.
Ah the sweet smell of despair and hair-on-fire in the morning.
…a person of above average intelligence…
…that doesn’t use it and goes with his stupid beliefs…well maybe Foxes’ beliefs
I didn’t see the interview and going back just with the context here it seems arguable he wasn’t even saying don’t impeach, he was saying general awfulness is a matter for the voters in the abstract and I guess you can make that case. But it seems overcompartmentalized and a little pointless. He knows as well as anyone there’s a quiverful of impeachable crimes going on.